Scholarly publishers and global organizations offer scientists and medical personnel in developing countries discounted or free access to online scientific and biomedical journals.
FHI360-SATELLIFE Health Information and Technology includes Essential Health Links, a resource that provides more than 750 useful websites for health professionals, medical library communities, publishers, and NGOs in developing and emerging countries.
BioMedCentral's Open Access in the Developing World : This website draws together the latest news and resources relating to open access and the developing world, and highlights the most relevant peer-reviewed research from BioMed Central's open access journals.
eGranary Digital Library (Internet in a box): Not a free resource but uses a plug-and-play server that provides instant access to millions of digital documents without the need of connection to the Internet.
EIFL-Licensing: Through central negotiation with publishers, EIFL negotiates highly discounted prices and fair terms of use to increase access to scholarly material which is essential for research and education.
Free Access to Developing Economies offers free online journal access, based on programs such as HINARI or AGORA, and a HighWire-based program for countries appearing in the World Bank's list of "low income economies," plus Angola, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Djibouti, Georgia, Indonesia, Turkmenistan, and Ukraine.
Several useful collections not included in the Open Science Directory
A few examples of subject portals that lead to a variety of materials: