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Online Writing Resources
- The HS Library's Writer's Guide has resources for writing & citing, including links to style guides, information management tools, copyright, open access & scholarly publishing.
- OWL Purdue General Writing Resources Resources that follow the general work flow of pre-writing, organizing, and revising, including Academic Writing, Grammar, Punctuation, and examples of common writing assignments, such as research papers, annotated bibliographies, argument papers, and more.
Information Management Tools
Campus Writing Resources
- Odegaard Writing & Research Center Online | 206.221.0972 |
Interdisciplinary, open to all members of the UW community. Appointments online are highly recommended, but you may also drop in and wait for an open session. The OWRC offers specialized assistance through all stages of the writing and research process, from getting started to revising a completed draft.
- CLUE | Online
Help for UW undergraduate students at all stages of the writing process.