Program that allows you to store, edit, share, and manage citations. Import from many databases into your online account directly or from saved files. Works with Microsoft Word to automatically create bibliographies. Free to UW students, staff and faculty as part of Web of Science. Click here to create an account.
Full software version of EndNote, available to UW students at a discounted rate from the U Bookstore. Includes ability to mass download article pdfs into records (when on campus), search across full text of pdfs. Comes with linked EndNote Basic account for sharing.
MyNCBI, your personal space on the NLM computer, allows you to 1) save and store PubMed searches; 2) create email alerts and search filters; and 3) set preferences to personalize displays and show UW online article links.
Embase, Web of Science, PsycInfo, and most other article databases also allow you to create a personal account, save search strategies, and set up automatic search & email delivery of results.