Patient Safety
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Recommended Reading on Patient Safety
Below is a select list of recommended books and journals on patient safety and health care quality for health care professionals. All titles (and many more) are available online or at the Health Sciences Library.
Books on Patient Safety
Selected reading list of books on patient safety and health care quality control from the perspective of health care professionals.
The Checklist Manifesto: How to Get Things Right by Atul Gawande Checklists are being adopted in hospitals around the world, helping doctors and nurses respond to everything from flu epidemics to avalanches. Even in the immensely complex world of surgery, a simple ninety-second variant has cut the rate of fatalities by more than a third.
Call Number: Health Sciences Library - W 21 G284c 2010ISBN: 9780805091748Publication Date: 2010Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing and Healthcare: A Guide to Best Practice by Bernadette Mazurek Melnyk; Ellen Fineout-Overholt Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing & Healthcare: A Guide to Best Practice, 4th Edition Bernadette Mazurek Melnyk, PhD, RN, APRN-CNP, FAANP, FNAP, FAAN and Ellen Fineout-Overholt, PhD, RN, FNAP, FAAN Enhance your clinical decision-making capabilities and improve patient outcomes through evidence-based practice. Develop the skills and knowledge you need to make evidence-based practice (EBP) an integral part of your clinical decision-making and everyday nursing practice with this proven, approachable text. Written in a straightforward, conversational style, Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing & Healthcare delivers real-world examples and meaningful strategies in every chapter to help you confidently meet today's clinical challenges and ensure positive patient outcomes. NEW! Making Connections: An EBP Exemplar opens each unit, immersing you in an unfolding case study of EBP in real-life practice. NEW! Chapters reflect the most current implications of EBP on health policy and the context, content, and outcomes of implementing EBP competencies in clinical and academic settings. NEW! Learning objectives and EBP Terms to Learn at both the unit and chapter levels help you study efficiently and stay focused on essential concepts and vocabulary. Making EBP Real features continue to end each unit with real-world examples that demonstrate the principles of EBP applied. EBP Fast Facts reinforce key points at a glance. Clinical Scenarios clarify the EBP process and enhance your rapid appraisal capabilities.
Call Number: Health Sciences Library - WY 100.7 M527e 2011ISBN: 9781496384539Publication Date: 2019Internal Bleeding: The Truth Behind America's Terrifying Epidemic of Medical Mistakes by Robert M. Wachter; Kaveh G. Shojania Two doctors and experts in the study of patient safety and hospital quality provide a close-up look at the medical errors that occur in America's overburdened, underinsured, and often unaccountable health care system.
Call Number: Health Sciences Library - WX 153 W114i 2004Publication Date: 2004Keeping Patients Safe: Transforming the Work Environment of Nurses by Ann Page; Institute of Medicine (U.S.), Board on Health Care Services Committee on the Work Environment for Nurses and Patient Safety Staff (Contribution by) This newest edition in the groundbreaking Institute of Medicine Quality Chasm series discusses the key aspects of the work environment for nurses and reviews the potential improvements in working conditions that are likely to have an impact on patient safety.
Call Number: Health Sciences Library - WX 185 K26c 2004Publication Date: 2004Medical Errors and Medical Narcissism by John D. Banja This groundbreaking book explores common psychological reactions of healthcare professionals to the commission of a serious harm-causing error and the variety of obstacles that can compromise ethically sound, truthful disclosure.
Call Number: Health Sciences Library - WB 100 B217m 2005Publication Date: 2004Patient Advocacy for Health Care Quality: Strategies for Achieving Patient-Centered Care by Jo Anne L. Earp; Elizabeth A. French; Melissa B. Gilkey This introductory volume synthesizes patient advocacy from a multi-level approach and is an ideal text for graduate and professional students in schools of public health, nursing and social work.
Call Number: Health Sciences Library - W 85 P29725 2008ISBN: 9780763749613Publication Date: 2008Patient Safety : the PROACT root cause analysis approach by Robert J. Latino Robert J. Latino has spent the past 10 years researching the differences in industrial culture versus the healthcare culture. In this book, he expertly makes the appropriate modifications to proven methodologies to successfully bridge the proactive technologies from industry to healthcare.
Call Number: Health Sciences Library - WX 153 L357p 2009ISBN: 9781420087277Publication Date: 2009Performance Measurement for Health System Improve: Experiences, Challenges, and Prospects ment by Peter C. Smith (Editor), et al. This is an authoritative and practical guide for policy makers, regulators, patient groups and researchers. It examines the various levels at which health system performance is undertaken, the technical instruments and tools available, and the implications using these may have for those charged with the governance of the health system.
Call Number: Health Sciences Library - W 84.41 P438 2009ISBN: 9780521116763Publication Date: 2009Safe Patients, Smart Hospitals : How One Doctor's Checklist Can Help Us Change Health Care from the Inside Out by Peter Pronovost; Eric Vohr The inspiring story of how a leading innovator in patient safety found a simple way to save countless lives. Inspiring and thought provoking, this compelling book shows how one person with a cause really can make a huge difference in our lives.
Call Number: Health Sciences Library - WX 153 P965s 2010ISBN: 9781594630644Publication Date: 2010Standardizing Medication Labels: Confusing Patients Less: Workshop Summary by Lyla M. Hernandez (Editor); Roundtable on Health Literacy; Board on Population Health and Public Health Practice Staff; Institute of Medicine (U.S.) Staff As a patient's most tangible source of information about what drug has been prescribed and how that drug is to be taken, the label on a container of prescription medication is a crucial line of defense against such medication safety problems, yet almost half of all patients misunderstand label instructions about how to take their medicines.
ISBN: 9780309115292Publication Date: 2008To Err Is Human: Building a Safer Health System by Linda T. Kohn; Janet Corrigan; Molla S. Donaldson This book sets forth a national agenda--with state and local implications--for reducing medical errors and improving patient safety through the design of a safer health system.
Call Number: Health Sciences Library - WB 100 T627 2000Publication Date: 2000
eBooks on Patient Safety
Recent publications available to read online. Click on the book's title to access it through UW Libraries (requires a UW NetID).
Around the Patient Bed by Yoel Donchin (Editor); Daniel Gopher (Editor) This book brings together experts who have collaborated to present studies that reveal a wide range of problems and weaknesses of the contemporary health care system, which impair safety and quality and increase workload. It presents practical solutions based on human factors engineering components and cognitive psychology, and explains their driving principles and methodologies. This approach provides tools to significantly reduce the number of errors, creates a safe environment, and improves the quality of health care.
ISBN: 9781466573635Publication Date: 2013Building a Culture of Patient Safety Through Simulation by Kathleen Gallo This groundbreaking book reflects the accomplishments of an internationally recognized leader of innovation regarding interprofessional clinical learning through simulation. Based on the North Shore-LIJ Health System corporate university experience, the book describes how this organization used simulation to successfully tackle the major interprofessional health issue of our time: patient safety.
ISBN: 0826169074Publication Date: 2014Cognitive Informatics in Health and Biomedicine by Vimla L. Patel (Editor); David R. Kaufman (Editor); Trevor Cohen (Editor) This book represents a first textbook on cognitive informatics (CI) and will focus on key examples drawn from the application of methods and theories from CI to challenges pertaining to the practice of critical-care medicine (CCM). The topic is strongly interdisciplinary and will be important for individuals from a range of academic and professional backgrounds, including critical care specialists, psychologists, computer scientists, medical informaticians, and anthropologists.
ISBN: 9781447154891Publication Date: 2014Human Factors in Healthcare by Avi Parush; Debi Parush; Roy Ilan; Ron Baecker (Editors) Have you ever experienced the burden of an adverse event or a near-miss in healthcare and wished there was a way to mitigate it? This book walks you through a classic adverse event as a case study and shows you how. It is a practical guide to continuously improving your healthcare environment, processes, tools, and ultimate outcomes, through the discipline of human factors. Using this book, you as a healthcare professional can improve patient safety and quality of care.
ISBN: 9781627059022Publication Date: 2017Patient Safety - a Psychological Perspective by Hannes Zacher This book is a valuable resource for both researchers and practitioners interested in understanding, maintaining, and improving patient safety in a variety of applied settings. It is based on the most up-to-date research evidence from psychology and neighboring disciplines, and it is written in a clear and non-technical language understandable for a wide audience.
ISBN: 3110281929Publication Date: 2014Patient Safety Culture by Patrick Waterson Researchers, healthcare managers and human factors practitioners who need to know the latest developments within the theory and application of Patient Safety Culture within healthcare should read this book. It brings together contributions from the most prominent researchers and practitioners in the field of PSC and covers the background to work on safety culture, the dominant theories and concepts within PSC, examples of PSC tools, methods of assessment and their application, and details the future challenges facing this area.
ISBN: 1409448150Publication Date: 2014Understanding Patient Safety, Third Edition by Robert Wachter; Kiran Gupta An essential book for anyone seeking to learn the core clinical, organizational, and systems issues of patient safety. Written in an engaging and accessible style by one of the world's leading authorities on patient safety and quality, this full-color text is filled with valuable cases and analyses, as well as table, graphics, references, and tools. Readers will find key insights designed to help them understand and prevent a broad range of errors, including those related to medications, surgery, diagnosis, infections, and nursing care.
ISBN: 9781259860249Publication Date: 2018Washington Manual of Patient Safety and Quality Improvement by Emily Fondahn; Thomas M. De Fer; Michael Lane; Andrea Vannucci With a focus on improving systems and processes, preventing errors, and promoting transparency, this practical reference provides an overview of PS/QI fundamentals, as well as insight into how these principles apply to a variety of clinical settings. Part of the popular Washington Manual® series, this unique volume provides the knowledge and skills necessary for an effective, proactive approach to patient safety and quality improvement.
ISBN: 1451193556Publication Date: 2016
Articles On Patient Safety
A selection of recent journal articles on the topic of patient safety for students and practicing clinicians across a range of disciplines. Click on the title to access the article through UW Libraries (requires a UW NetID).
General Medicine
- “GAPPS” in Patient Safety - Quinonez, Ricardo ; Schroeder, Alan. Pediatrics, Aug 2018, Vol.142(2), p.1
- Patient Safety: A Priority for Healthcare and for Healthcare Design - Stichler, Jaynelle F. HERD : Health Environments Research & Design Journal, Jul 2016, Vol.9(4), pp.10-15
- Patient Safety at the Crossroads - Gandhi, Tejal K ; Berwick, Donald M ; Shojania, Kaveh G. JAMA, 03 May 2016, Vol.315(17), pp.1829-1830
- TRANSFORM-ing Patient Safety Culture: A Universal Imperative - Robinson, Edmondo ; Lagu, Tara. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 2015, Vol.30(4), pp.384-386
- Eleven Basic Procedures/Practices for Dental Patient Safety - Perea-Pérez, Bernardo ; Labajo-González, Elena ; Acosta-Gío, A Enrique ; Yamalik, Nermin. Journal of patient safety, 09 October 2015.
- Lessons learned from dental patient safety case reports - Obadan, Enihomo M. ; Ramoni, Rachel B. ; Kalenderian, Elsbeth. The Journal of the American Dental Association, May 2015, Vol.146(5), pp.318-326.e2
- Patient safety in dentistry: development of a candidate 'never event' list for primary care - I. Black ; P. Bowie. BDJ, 2017, Vol.222(10), p.782
- Systematic review of patient safety interventions in dentistry - Bailey, Edmund ; Tickle, Martin ; Campbell, Stephen ; O’malley, Lucy BMC Oral Health, 2015, Vol.15
- Effect of Changes in Hospital Nursing Resources on Improvements in Patient Safety and Quality of Care: A Panel Study - Sloane, Douglas ; Smith, Herbert ; Mchugh, Matthew ; Aiken, Linda. Medical Care, Dec 2018, Vol.56(12), p.1001
- Exerting Capacity: Bedside RNs Talk About Patient Safety - Leger, J. Michael ; Phillips, Carolyn A. Western Journal of Nursing Research, May 2017, Vol.39(5), pp.660-673
- Inter- and intra-disciplinary collaboration and patient safety outcomes in U.S. acute care hospital units: A cross-sectional study - Ma, Chenjuan ; Park, Shin Hye ; Shang, Jingjing. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 2018, Vol.85, p.1
- Improving Patient Safety by Practicing in a Just Culture - Duffy, William. AORN Journal, Jul 2017, Vol.106(1), pp.66-68
- Board of Pharmacy Practices Related to Medication Errors and Their Potential Impact on Patient Safety - Degnan, Daniel D ; Hertig, John B ; Peters, Michael J ; Stevenson, James G Millares-Sipin, Catherine A (Editor). Journal of Pharmacy Practice, June 2018, Vol.31(3), pp.312-321
- Innovative Advances in Connectivity and Community Pharmacist Patient Care Services: Implications for Patient Safety - Bacci, Jennifer L. ; Berenbrok, Lucas A. Pharmacotherapy: The Journal of Human Pharmacology and Drug Therapy, August 2018, Vol.38(8), pp.867-874
- Medication Without Harm : WHO's Third Global Patient Safety Challenge - Donaldson, Liam J. The Lancet, 2017, Vol.389(10080), p.1680-1681
- PHP59 - Effect of Clinical Pharmacist in Patient Safety: A Prospective Interventional Study - Nafis, MA ; D Acharya, L ; Hande, HM. Value in Health, November 2016, Vol.19(7), pp.A824-A824
Public Health
- Changing the narratives for patient safety - Pronovost, Peter J. ; Sutcliffe, Kathleen M. ; Basu, Lopa ; Dixon - Woods, Mary. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, June, 2017, Vol.95(6), p.478(3)
- Digital Health and Patient Safety - Agboola, Stephen ; Bates, David ; Kvedar, Joseph. JAMA, Apr 26, 2016, Vol.315(16), p.1697
- Health care must mean safe care: enshrining patient safety in global health - Flott, Kelsey ; Fontana, Gianluca ; Dhingra-Kumar, Neelam ; Yu, Angela ; Durkin, Mike ; Darzi, Ara. The Lancet, Apr 1, 2017, Vol.389(10076), pp.1279-1281
- Patient safety at the crossroads - Shojania, Kaveh G. ; Berwick, Donald M. ; Gandhi, Tejal K. JAMA, The Journal of the American Medical Association, May 3, 2016, Vol.315(17), p.1829(2)
e-Journals: Heath Care Quality & Safety
A selection of health care quality & safety journals. Use the library catalog to find additional titles.
- BMJ Quality & SafetyNot a UW subscription; request articles for free through document delivery service.
- Journal for Healthcare QualityNot a UW subscription; request articles for free through document delivery service.
- Journal of Graduate Medical Education1 year delay for new articles