If you want to create and edit references with others in Zotero, you'll need to create a Group Library. Zotero allows users to create unlimited groups with unlimited members per group. To create one, follow these steps:
- Create an account with Zotero and set up sync.
- Sign-in to Zotero on the Zotero website.
- Click on the Groups tab on the Zotero website.
- Click on "Create a New Group".
- Fill out the form to create a new group. Group names must be unique (it can't share a name with any other group) so be specific. Decide whether you want your group to be private or public.
- Click on the "Manage Members" tab in your newly created group. Click "Send More Invitations", then type in the emails of anyone you want to add to the group and click "Submit".
- Open up the Zotero Desktop app, and click the 'Sync' button (a green curved arrow in the top right corner). Your newly created group should be in the bottom of the left pane.
You can also create Group Libraries from the Zotero Desktop app by clicking on the "New Library" button and selecting "New Group." This will take you to zotero.org and prompt you to sign in, where you can follow steps 5-7 above to create your Group Library.