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Research Guides

Painting of women in colorful costume

This research guide lists resources and links to explore the history, cultures, and peoples of the Horn of Africa from prehistory to the present. It also serves as the class guide to the new course on the Horn of Africa, HSTAFM 288 / NEAR E 288.

The guide includes sections on each country within the region: Ethiopia, Eritrea, Somalia, and Djibouti. These country sections include links to quick background information as well as lists of recommended books. Off-campus access to many of the online resources are restricted to current UW students, staff and faculty. In-library access is open to everyone.

Additional sections cover films and databases to use for more in-depth research.

Painting: "Interconnected" by Yeggy Michael, 2007.

Odegaard Writing and Research Center (OWRC)

The OWRC is your one-stop place for research and writing consultations. 

Writing Consultations: By appointment; drop-ins available

Librarian Research Consultations: By appointment; drop-ins available

Citation Guide

The following links provide information on citing sources.  See the Citation Styles & Tools page for more guides and information.

At the Public Library

Be sure to check the local public libraries for resources on the Horn of Africa. All people living or working in King Country are eligible for both a Seattle Public Library (SPL) card and a King County Library System (KCLS) card. Both libraries have some books in Amharic and Somali.