a. Chronological focus
Latin American and Caribbean Studies collects contemporary interdisciplinary materials which focus on Latin America and the Caribbean.
The History collection covers the region, but primarily in English. Anthropology and archaeology collections include Mexico as an emphasis, but South America less so, and are primarily in English. Language and literature collections are covered by French, Spanish, and Portuguese Studies.
Imprint Dates: We collect current publications extensively; and 20th century, 19th century, and earlier materials selectively.
b. Geographical
The collection covers all countries in Latin America and the Caribbean. American Ethnic Studies covers Latinx in the United States.
Place of publication: We collect materials published in Latin America, the U.S., and the U.K. extensively. Materials from Canada, Portugal, Spain and France are collected selectively.
c. Language
Primarily Spanish and English. French, Portuguese, and Indigenous languages are also acquired.
d. Format
Electronic and print monographs, online databases, DVDs and eVideos, serials, facsimiles, and microforms are included in the collection. Films/videos are purchased for course instruction or research use only.
e. Exclusions
Textbooks, workbooks, dissertations, most genealogical sources, reprints of material already in the collection, and translations into languages other than English are generally not collected.