Mendeley offers word processing plug-ins for Microsoft Word and LibreOffice. To install the plug-ins, go to the Tools menu on the Mendeley desktop application. In the drop down menu, click on the appropriate line to "Install Mendeley Cite for Microsoft Word". For troubleshooting plug-in installation, please refer to the Mendeley Support page.
- Once you download the Mendeley Cite plugin, you will find it under the "References" tab in your Microsoft Word window.

To add citations while writing:
- Click on the Mendeley Cite button.
- Under "References" select the source(s) you'd like to cite using the check boxes.

- You can change the citation style by clicking on "Citation Style".

- To add a bibliography, select More > Insert Bibliography. Your bibliography will appear, and new citations will be added automatically.

Using Mendeley in older versions of MS Word:
- In MS Word 2007 and 2010, the Mendeley plug-in may be found in the Word "References" ribbon.
- In Microsoft Word 2008 for Mac, the Mendeley text menu will be found by clicking on the script menu: