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Sharing Your Scholarship

Check out materials from the in-person Sharing Your Scholarship workshop below!


Scholarly profile options

There are a number of options for UW users who want to maintain an online scholarly profile, including those listed below. You can learn more about all of these platforms on the left!

Scholarly profile comparison chart
  Primary functions Ideal audience Automation/ interoperability Capacity for collaboration Other pros Other cons


(No institutional affiliation required)

  • Create unique, digital identifiers for individual researchers.
  • Publicly highlight publications, grants, and other accomplishments.
  • Disciplines where external funding is often used and traditional journal articles are the preferred scholarly output.
  • Can be fully automated but recommended to monitor additions of new publications.
  • Can import content from many other platforms.
  • Can add multiple contributors.
  • Widely used across many disciplines.
  • Profiles are easy to create and maintain.
  • Organization is nonprofit and global, thus unlikely to be discontinued.
  • Can manually add a variety of works (e.g. patents, software, artistic performances, etc.), but maintaining profiles may require more significant effort.

Google Scholar

(No institutional affiliation required)

  • Share academic publications easily and quickly with other scholars and the general public.
  • Disciplines where traditional journal articles are the preferred scholarly output.
  • Publication coverage is strongest in scientific, technical and medical disciplines.
  • Can be fully automated but recommended to monitor additions of new publications.
  • Can export content into other platforms but does not connect directly.
  • Links to coauthors.
  • Easy to follow other scholars with email updates.
  • Keywords associated with profiles make it easy to find others with similar research interests.
  • Easy to create and low maintenance.
  • Can be used to see number of open access publications.
  • Google Scholar citation counts are widely used, but not always correct.
  • Google Scholar does not index everything.
  • Can only add co-authors who have existing profiles.
  • Does not list or link to other author IDs.

UW Sites

(UW users only)

  • Create UW affiliated websites to host original content and link out to publications.
  • Can also include blogging functionality, about pages, and images.
  • Faculty who host labs and would benefit from the collaborative and blogging functions.
  • Disciplines with visual components such as Fine Arts or Film.
  • No automation or interoperability. Citations or work must be manually added.
  • Your site can have multiple admins (so long as they have a UW NetID) that can contribute or collaborate on the whole site.
  • Potential to add student collaborators.
  • Users control appearance/theme.
  • UW web domain.
  • Lots of opportunity to customize.
  • Can include pedagogical interests and achievements, such as classes taught.
  • WordPress, although user friendly, has an initial learning curve especially if wanting to customize the appearance.
  • Updating and maintaining can be time consuming and is not automated.

UW Directory

(UW users only)

  • Provide a single webpage with UW affiliation including photos, contact information, and profile summary.
  • Includes ability to link to a CV and out to publications.
  • Appropriate for all disciplines and audiences.
  • No automation or interoperability. Citations or work must be manually added.
  • No opportunity to collaborate.
  • Easy to read summary of achievements on  web page maintained by UWT IT.
  • Easy learning curve to update. UW web domain.
  • Can include pedagogical interests and achievements, such as classes taught.
  • Can manually add a variety of works (e.g. patents, software, artistic performances, etc.), but maintaining profiles may require more significant effort.


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