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Jacob Lawrence's This is Harlem. Painting of people walking on street with a church, dance sign, beauty shoppe, funeral home, and bar amongst apartments












Image: This is Harlem, Jacob Lawrence (1943). Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC, Gift of Joseph H. Hirshhorn, 1966.

Off-Campus Access

Current UW students, faculty and staff may access online library resources from off campus. Everyone is welcome to visit the library and use materials in the library. This includes access to online databases, e-journals and e-books. 

There are two main methods to access resources from off-campus: the proxy service and Husky OnNet. For more detailed information on both, visit Off Campus Access: Help and Support.

Through UW Libraries Website

If you are starting from the UW Libraries website, simply click on the resource you want and you should be prompted for your UW NetID when it is needed. If you routinely access resources away from the libraries website you might want to install the proxy bookmarklet.

Proxy Bookmarklet

The bookmarklet is a snippet of code saved in your browser's bookmarks that lets you start at a resource rather than the UW Libraries website and still route the resource through our proxy service. For information about how to download and use the proxy bookmarklet visit Proxy Bookmarklet Help and Support

When using Husky OnNet, your computer connects to the Husky OnNet virtual private network that will make your computer location be ‘on-campus’ even when you are off. Husky OnNet is a software application available free for UW students, faculty and staff to download from UWare.


Configuring Husky OnNet to Access UW-Restricted Library Resources


In order to use Husky OnNet to access UW-restricted library resources, you will need to make one small change to the settings in the OnNet f5 BIG-IP Edge client:

  1. After following the instructions to Download and Use Husky OnNet, start the OnNet application.
  2. Before clicking on Connect, make sure the server setting says All Internet Traffic. If it does not, click Change Server at the bottom left.
    OnNet f5 BIG-IP Edge client pop-up showing that the server is diconnected
  3. In the pop-up window, select All Internet Traffic.
    OnNet f5 BIG-IP Edge client drop-down option being changed to 'All Internet Traffic'
  4. Click Next
  5. Click the Connect button
  6. If you are connected correctly it will say Connected and Server: All Internet Traffic.
    OnNet f5 BIG-IP Edge client pop-up showing that the server is connected

From this point, you can browse, search, and connect to any UW-restricted resource as if you are on campus and without using the Libraries off-campus proxy.

If you are connected with UW Campus Network Traffic Only, all connections to UW-restricted resources will be treated as off-campus and will require you to use links from the Libraries website or the proxy bookmarklet.

Be sure to Disconnect from OnNet when you are done and no longer need the connection to the UW network.

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Urban Studies Librarian

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Erika Bailey