To identify dissertations written at other universities use one of the following databases. Once you have identified those dissertations you need, submit an interlibrary loan request to get a copy if it is not available online. You can also buy copies of many dissertations via Dissertations & Theses Fulltext.
The UW Libraries has copies of dissertations and masters theses written by University of Washington students. To locate these dissertations search the UW Libraries Catalog in the following ways (Note: Boolean search operators must be capitalized):
Browsing dissertations - Speech & Hearing Sciences dissertations are shelved under the call number PN4012 on the 2nd floor of Suzzallo Library.
Find dissertations and theses written at any institution including the UW via Proquest Dissertations & Theses.
Find UW dissertations and theses from 1997-2008 and 2012 - present via ResearchWorks Archive.