"Pushing the Edge: Explore, Engage, Extend: The 14th National Conference Wrap Up" (with E. Appel). College & Research Library News, June 2009, 70:330-337.
"The Must List: Lattes, magnets, and six other ways to connect with your users." ACRL News. March 2005.
"What did your library do on September 11, 2004? Libraries around the world host The September Project" (with S. Kane). ACRL Washington Newsletter. Fall 2004.
Market Analysis and Pricing Strategies of Electronic Databases (with T.Y. Lau). Conference paper for the Conference on Library Administration and Management in the Digital Age, May 31, 2002.
“Engaging Students in the Game of Research” (with T. Mudrock). Poster session, American Library Association, 2006.
“The Visible Subject Librarian: Establishing Your Presence Among Faculty & Students” (with T. Mudrock). Poster session, American Library Association, 2006.
"Engaging Students in the Game of Research" (with T. Mudrock). Presentation, Loex of the West, 2005.
"Redesigning Web Research Guides to Suit Our Users' Needs" (with J. Ward). Presentation, Online Northwest 2005.
"Minding the Gap: Generational Issues in Recruitment and the Work Place." Invited member of presentation panel, ALCTS President's Program, American Library Association, 2003.
"Acid-Free CONTENT: Creating a Digital Newspaper Archive." Poster session, American Library Association, 2001.