As of 2022 the History Department had:
Affiliated centers include the Center for the Study of the Pacific Northwest and the Harry Bridges Center for Labor Study. Additional information on the department can be found on the departmental fact sheet produced by the College of Arts & Sciences.
Photo: Detail from Smith Hall
The Department of History offers a "major in history and an interdisciplinary major in history and philosophy of science, as well as minors in history, history of science, and—in cooperation with other units—labor studies, classics and ancient history, and medical history and ethics." In addition the Department offers a range of minors.
"Interdisciplinary scholarship in History is encouraged by strong ties to other units, including the Jackson School of International Studies; American Indian Studies; Anthropology; American Ethnic Studies; Gender, Women & Sexuality Studies; Philosophy; Classics; Near Eastern Languages and Civilization; and the Simpson Center for the Humanities."
The graduate program offers a Master of Arts degree and a Doctorate of Philosophy. Students at all levels can specialize in a very wide array of subjects, often including dual degrees with other departments. The Department also provides support for the Masters in Teaching Program.