Determining how you are going to manage or organize your research now may seem daunting, but it will save you tears and time later. Here are some ways that you can collect, manage, and cite your research sources.
Most Basic: you will need to cite the sources that you use in your assignments, thus attributing the information to the original author. Your instructor may specify which citation style you should use. The most common citation styles are APA Style, Chicago Style, and MLA Style. See Citation Style Guides for links to online citation help, citation generators, and more.
More Advanced: create your own web-based research database by saving your citations (and sometimes the complete texts) using citation management software. The UW Libraries subscribe to RefWorks and EndNote Web for you to use. Zotero is a popular and free open-source bibliographic software extension to your Firefox browser. See the RefWorks & EndNote Web page and the Zotero page for more information.