Interested in Russian mystery novels or science fiction? Both Seattle Public Library and the King County Library System have very good collections of Russian popular literature, including a good deal of popular material not held by the UW Libraries.
Other Slavic collections within the Orbis-Cascade (Summit) Alliance are located at Washington State University (for Russian), the University of Oregon (for Russian and Bulgarian), and Reed College (Russian). Western Washington University holds the most comprehensive Mongolian studies collection in the United States. All of these libraries' collections can be searched and requested as Summit holdings through UW WorldCat.
The UW Libraries cooperates with other libraries within the Pacific Coast Slavic Library Consortium (PacSlav) to ensure access to the broadest possible range of Slavic, Baltic and East European and Eurasian materials in the U.S. Pacific Coast Region. Other members of PacSlav include Arizona State University Library, Stanford University Libraries, the University of Arizona Library, the University of California-Berkeley Library, the University of California-Los Angeles Library, the University of Southern California Library, and the University of Oregon Library. The Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace at Stanford University has the strongest archival holdings for Russian and Soviet studies on the U.S. West Coast.
The Center for Research Libraries (CRL) provides access to rare and valuable material through its Slavic and East European Microform Project (SEEMP) and its general holdings for Russia and Eastern Europe.