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Research Guides

Location of Materials

  • Suzzallo and Allen Libraries, and the Odegaard Undergraduate Library are the major locations for the American ethnic studies (AES) collection in print on the Seattle campus. The Bothell and Tacoma libraries provide additional AES resources for those campuses.
  • Various subject libraries (business, art, etc.) collect selectively in their discipline.
  • Electronic resources may be found on the AES Research Guide.
  • Microform collections including historic newspapers are in the Microforms-Newspapers Section.
  • Rare books, manuscripts and historic photographs especially those related to the American ethnic groups of the Pacific Northwest may be found in Special Collections.
  • Specialized encyclopedias, dictionaries, and bibliographies may be located in the Reference Section in Suzzallo Library.  More generalized sources may be located in the Reference Secition of Odegaard Undergraduate Library.
  • Documentaries may be found in the Media Center (Suzzallo Library, 3rd floor).

Photo: Suzzallo Reading Room courtesy of Curtis Cronn


a. Chronological

American Ethnic Studies collects contemporary materials which focus on key content, methodologies, and theories in the comparative and interdisciplinary study of African-Americans, Asian Americans, and Chicanos.  The History collection collects all periods of history related to the aformentioned ethnic groups.

b. Geographical

The collection covers African-Americans, Asian Americans, and Chicanos throughout the United States. 

c. Language

Primary and secondary works are primarily in English. The curriculum of the department includes language instruction in Swahili and Tagalog.

d. Format

Electronic and print monographs, serials, facsimiles, as well as microforms are included in the collection.

e. Exclusions

Material of a purely popular nature, textbooks, workbooks, dissertations, historical fiction, most genealogical sources, juvenile literature, and reprints of material already in the collection, are generally not collected.