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Nursing & Health: Find Articles

Guide to resources for UW Tacoma Nursing & Health students

Nursing Databases

Cross-disciplinary databases

Finding Full Text

In most databases, if the full text of the article is not available, you will see a Check for Full Text button:

Clicking this button will search for the article and:

  • Take you to the article - look for PDF full text;
  • Take you to the catalog - click on the link next to Content Available; or
  • Take you to Interlibrary Loan so you can request a copy of the article - click on Articles (1-2 days).

How do I know if an article is peer reviewed?

Step 1:  Check the peer review status of the JOURNAL.

  • Search for your title in Ulrichsweb,a database of information about journals and magazines.
  • When you find your journal, look for a "referee shirt" symbol.  The symbol will appear next to any journal title that is peer reviewed and/or refereed (interchangeable terms).

Step 2:  If the JOURNAL is peer reviewed, then assess the ARTICLE.

  • Is it a full research article?  Then you can be confident that your article is peer reviewed.
  • If your article is a short news brief, an editorial, a letter to the editor, or a re-print of a conference proceeding, it is generally not peer reviewed. 

PubMed tutorials