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Primary Sources: East Asia
Primary Sources: South Asia
Primary Sources: Southeast Asia
Primary Sources: Pacific Islands and Oceania
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Asian & Pacific Islander History
Primary Sources: East Asia
Asian & Pacific Islander History: Primary Sources: East Asia
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Browse the
Ling Long Magazine
from Shanghai
National Archives of Japan
Check out the National Archives of Japan for historical documents!
CIA Library: China Collection
A collection of over seventy National Intelligence Estimates, covering the the Chinese civil war to the Cultural Revolution (1948-1976).
Chinese Digital Archive 1966-1976
A collection of photographs and documents covering the Chinese Cultural Revolution period.
Chinese Newspapers Collection
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Newspaper page images, 1832-1953. English language newspapers including North China Herald 1850-1941 & Chinese Recorder 1868-1941
Chinese Pamphlets
Mass education materials published in Hong Kong and in Mainland China, particularly Shanghai, in the years 1947-1954.
East Asia Collection
Historical photographs of the Sino-Japanese Conflict (1937-1945), Buddhist practices and temples, and other images of daily life.
Hedda Morrison Photographs of China, 1933-1946
Over 5,000 photos of China, taken by Hedda Morrison and hosted by Harvard-Yenching Library.
Ling Long Women's Magazine
Digitized issues of a women's magazine, published in Shanghai from 1931 to 1937.
Sidney D. Gamble Photographs
Approximately 5000 photographs, primarily of China, 1917-1932.
Virtual Shanghai
A research and resource platform on the history of Shanghai from the mid-nineteenth century to present, incorporating essays, documents, photographs, and maps
After the Day of Infamy: "Man-on-the-Street" Interviews Following the Attack on Pearl Harbor
Opinions of American citizens recorded in the days and months following the bombing of Pearl Harbor.
Decision to Drop the Atom Bomb
A collection of documents focusing on The Decision to Drop the Atomic Bomb, covering the years 1945-1964.
Japanese Old Photographs in Bakumatsu-Meiji Period
A collection of photographs of Japan in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
Joseph Berry Keenan Digital Collection
Manuscript materials and photographs relating to the Japanese War Crimes Trial following WWII.
National Archives of Japan Digital Archive
Japan's national archive that collects important cultural and governmental documents. Interface in both Japanese and English.
Kobe University Library Newspaper Clipping Collection
Digital archive of full-text Japanese newspapers from 1912 to 1926. Interface in both Japanese and English.
The Korea Times
One of the oldest English-language newspapers in South Korea.
National Library of Korea
National Library of Korea's digital collections. Interface in both Korean and English.
South Korea Newspaper Archives
Korean language newspaper archive by the Korea National Library. Available in Korean.
The United States and the Two Koreas (1969-2000)
Declassified documents regarding U.S. policy with North and South Korea from 1969 to 2000.
Primary Sources: South Asia >>