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Research Guides

Collection Guidelines: Physics: Scope

These are the guidelines by which materials are purchased for the Astronomy & Physics collections of the UW Libraries (Seattle Campus). For questions or more information, please contact the Physics, Astronomy and Mathematics Librarian.


a. Chronological

The physics collection emphasizes, but is not restricted to, the acquisition of recent publications.

b. Geographical

There are no geographical restrictions on physics collections.

c. Language

The collection emphasis is on the acquisition of English-language materials, however, the language coverage is worldwide.

d. Format

Journals are primarily collected in electronic format. Monographs may be in either print or electronic format. Government publications, technical reports, translations, newsletters, and magazines may be collected in either print or electronic format. Conference proceedings are not a primary collection concern. If conference proceedings in print format are donated by faculty or researchers, they may be considered for addition to the collection.

e. Exclusions

The physics collection does not accept the following: workbooks, study guides, textbooks with answer keys, popular materials, textbooks below undergraduate level, computer tapes, computer diskettes, CD-ROMs, microforms, preprints, collected works or reprints, or datasets.

The physics collection does not accept unsolicited gifts.