The American Heritage Dictionary of Business Terms by David L. ScottCall Number: Odegaard Library - Reference - HF1001 .S348 2009
ISBN: 9780618755257
Publication Date: 2009-03-25
Fromarbitrage to leverage tozero-coupon bond, financial expert David L. Scott defines more than 6,000 terms from all aspects of business in clear, understandable language. Unlike most business dictionaries, which address a specific discipline,The American Heritage Dictionary of Business Termscovers the entire spectrum of business terminology. In clear language it defines over 6,000 terms drawn from the areas of investing, finance, marketing, law, real estate, management, economics, accounting, insurance, and international business. Entries range from investment fundamentals (price-earnings ratio, split, yield) to the lexicon of real estate (amortization, buy down, wraparound mortgage) to the terminology of contemporary finance (CDO, short sale, tranche). More than 100 key terms, such asantitrust, bailout, andsubprime loan, are enhanced by real-world case studies that bring the concept to life. In addition, scores of tips from expert professionals offer advice on topics ranging from renegotiating a mortgage to reducing the estate tax. This dictionary is an indispensable reference for business professionals and investors at all levels of expertise.The growing need for individuals to plan their own retirement strategies, especially in a global economy, makes it an ideal resource for those interested in how current business news affects their investments. Business students also will find it an informative supplement to their curriculum.