Most government material, including census statistical volumes, is housed in Government Publications on the ground floor of Suzzallo Library. Librarians there can help you find material you need.
The UW Libraries subscribes to the academic version of The database is a major source for genealogical records including census, military, immigration, marriage, birth and other material. It also includes a growing number of articles and images related to family history such as yearbooks and biographical dictionaries. The academic version of does not include some portions of the personal subscription version such as the ability to create a family tree.
The database is primarily searched by name as users seek to find information about their ancestors. The latest census information dates from 1940. Information collected by census takers includes names, ages, and relationships of all people in the household, country of origin, native language, information about home ownership, and other information varying by year.
The census is a decennial (every 10 year) count of all people and households in the country. Information gathered during the census can include race, income, education level and more for a state, city and down to a census tract level (an area composed of approximately 1200 to 8000 people). Strengths
Keep in mind
How to Use Census Data"The Federal censuses are an invaluable tool for historians and other social scientists... Despite their value, the census counts are nevertheless far from perfect. Like any historical source, they must be evaluated, their strengths noted, and their limitations recognized." Printed copies of the statistical census volumes are housed in the Government Publications Section on the ground floor of Suzzallo Library. For more information on using census data see: Making Sense of Numbers, Census Data, Measuring America: The Decennial Censuses from 1790 to 2000 & How to Use the Census Bureau's American Community Survey Like a Pro. |