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Research Guides

Research Data Management Planning Workshop: Planning Data Management

This guide is a description and list of useful links adapted from the Data Management Planning Workshop, an asynchronous online workshop for UW community members engaged in research with data.

Things to consider before you start managing your data

Before you start constructing a data management plan, you will need to understand the data management requirements specified by any funders, journals, or other third parties associated with your research. It is also important to define roles and explore legal issues before you start creating a plan.

Data Sharing Policies

What are the data requirements for funders, journals, or third parties associated with you research?

Legal Issues

With many kinds of research you also need to think about any legal considerations involved with the creation or use of your data.

Technical Considerations

What kind of software, storage, security, etc. will you need for managing your data?

Roles and Responsibilities

Teams should clearly define the roles of individual members as part of a data management plan. The roles and responsibilities your team designates will depend on the number and location of researchers involved and the nature of the project.

Data Management Plan Tools


Example Data Management Plans:


If you have questions about data management planning, please email the Data Services Team at