CHSTU 255 A: Mexican Women: Past and Present: Search Strategy Tips
Monica C. Viharo Winter 2022 - Survey of women in Mexican society from Meso-American times to the 1940s.
Design Search Strategy
Your Assignment:
Develop a research project focusing on comparing and contrasting the lives of a contemporary Mexican woman (born after 1940) and a Mexican woman from the period covered in this class (e.g. the woman you researched for your Cajita project).
One of the more important processes in conducting research is designing a search strategy. You should use your search strategy when using library search tools/databases. The following are things to consider in designing your strategy:
Analyze your topic
It is important to clarify what you are interested in finding out about your topic; familiarize yourself with the key issues and context. Consider the political, cultural, social, economic, and religious systems/institutions that shape the lives and the periods in which the women you are writing about lived. Begin by creating a research question.
Your research question may evolve and change over time. Sometimes using a format to phrase your question helps:I’m researching _____ to investigate _____ in order to understand _____.This structure gives you a way to keep your question narrow, identifying just the area(s) that you are studying and helping your reader position the question within a field.
You may need to find information in different kinds of sources [ eBooks | Journals | Newspapers | Magazines | Media (images, video, sound recordings)]
You may need to use more than one library tool (database, etc.), instead of Google [ Some examples: Sociological Abstract | Academic Search Complete | America: History & Life, HAPI ]
You may need to explore a subject over a period of time [ For example: 5 years | 20 years | 1960s | 19th Century | 20th Century |Current ]
Select Keywords
Create a list of Related Terms. Another way to express this, is to create a list of synonyms for the important concepts in or associated with your topic. The key concepts in your Research Question will be important here.
Narrower terms: (Good for limiting your search, excluding irrelevant information, or adding focus to your search)
Population -gender (men, women), age (children/teens, adults, elderly), groups (artist, educators, clergy, politicians, ethnic/racial groups, etc.)
Geography - towns, cities, states, countries, regions
Time Period - current, decade, 21st Century, ancient
Broader terms: (Allow you to explore the broader context of your topic. Good if you're having difficulty finding sources)
Create a Search Query
Many of our databases or search tools require that you use AND or OR to combine multiple terms/keywords in a search. See examples below:
Latina AND identity (narrows your search, all the terms 'Latina and identity' must appear)
Mexican American OR Chicano (broadens your search, one of the terms must appear. Good for use with synonyms.)
identity AND (Mexican American OR Chicano) (combines connectors AND/OR together in a search)
Use a technique called truncation with the * symbol to search additional forms of a word when using a search tool or database.
Example: politic* will also find politic, political, politically, politician, politicians, politics.
Chicano AND politic*
Be aware that the truncation symbol may vary depending on the database (*,#,?,!) are the most common.