What's New
New Resources
Scholarly Journals
- Journal of Women's HealthJournal for "cutting-edge clinical advances in diagnostic procedures, therapeutic protocols for the management of diseases, and innovative research in gender-based biology."
UW Libraries provides access to many major global news publications!
Books, Videos, & More
- UW Libraries SearchFormerly called the library catalog, the UW Libraries Search can help you find books and ebooks, videos and streaming media, journals and ejournals, and more!
- Health Sciences EbooksBrowse recent and/or seminal books in the health sciences by title or subject.
New Research Tools
LibKey at the UW
LibKey provides direct linking to article PDFs, article HTML, and journal issue table of contents. In addition, LibKey links incorporate link curation technology that makes the links more accurate and less error-prone than traditional link resolver links.
Learn more and start using LibKey:
- LibKey FAQ
- Download LibKey Nomad (browser add-on)
- Browzine by Subject
- LibKey Direct Lookup
- LibKey Launch Announcement
Research Tools
- Open Access Publishing DiscountsNew agreements for open access (OA) publishing at reduced or no cost to UW authors in alignment with the UW Libraries Strategic Plan.
Related: OA Publishing Discounts for the Health Sciences
Check the Open Scholarship Commons for additional research tools, workshops, tutorials and consultations.
Check the Articles & Research Databases list for databases covering all subject areas.
Need help?
New at the UW Libraries
New Research Guides
Check the Research Guides list for librarian-recommended starting points for researching all subject areas.
- Food Systems, Nutrition, and Health GuideGuide to researching food systems, nutrition, and health; bookmark the Toolkit for quick access to relevant resources.
- DynaMedex (DynaMed + Micromedex)DynaMedex combines the point-of-care resources of DynaMed with the pharmaceutical information of Micromedex.
- Faculty & Physician GuideGuide to salaries and educator resources.
- 3D Anatomy ModelsGuide to 3D anatomy models available to use at the Health Sciences Library.
- Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) GuideHow to search for research articles about SDOH.
- UpToDate Help GuideHow to use and troubleshoot UpToDate (UTD).
- Keeping Current with the Health SciencesGuide to keeping up with the literature in the health sciences, including keeping up with grants, news, and more.
Recommend Resources to the UW Libraries
Course Reserve Requests
Purchase Requests
For recommended purchases not required for a course.
UW Seattle
UW Bothell and Cascadia
UW Tacoma
Guide Credit
Created by Theresa Mudrock. Maintained by Theresa Mudrock and Leslie Gascon.