Data Resources in the Health Sciences
Data Management Tools
- DMP ToolData management planning (DMP) tool for writing data management plans for NSF, NIH, NEH, IMLS or GBMF. Log in using your UW NetID.
- EZIDObtain persistent identifiers for digital objects such as datasets. Register via UW Libraries ResearchWorks Data Services.
- ORCIDFree unique identifier for researchers. Supports linking to one's research activities and products.
UW Data Policies
University of Washington policies relating to research data
UW Office of Research Grants Information Memorandum 37 on Rights in Research Data
UW Libraries ResearchWorks digital collection policy for archiving scholarly works and research data
UW Human Subjects Division Data Sets Not Requiring HSD or IRB Review
Federal Agency Data Sharing Requirements
Data Sharing Requirements by Federal Agency - produced by SPARC and Johns Hopkins University Libraries.
Explains current and proposed data sharing requirements for agencies such as the CDC, FDA, NIH, NSF, and AHRQ.
Open Data
Open Data Commons: legal tools to help you provide and use Open Data. Instructions on using an Open Database License, an Attribution License, and a Public Domain Dedication and License.
Intellectual Property Considerations
At UW, Comotion can advise researchers on intellectual property (IP) protection best practices and law.
The UW Copyright Connection also provides resources on copyright law, policies, and guidelines at UW.
Confidentiality and Privacy of Human Subjects Data
NIH publication: "Research Repositories, Databases, and the HIPAA Privacy Rule."