Health Sciences Educator Library Resources
Resources in support of health sciences faculty development.
Anatomy Resources
Anatomy for Dental Medicine, 2nd edition
Images from Thieme Teaching Assistant - Anatomy. For UW educational use only.Make It Stick: The Science of Successful Learning by Henry L. Roediger; Mark A. McDaniel; Peter C. Brown To most of us, learning something "the hard way" implies wasted time and effort. Good teaching, we believe, should be creatively tailored to the different learning styles of students and should use strategies that make learning easier. Make It Stick turns fashionable ideas like these on their head. Drawing on recent discoveries in cognitive psychology and other disciplines, the authors offer concrete techniques for becoming more productive learners. Memory plays a central role in our ability to carry out complex cognitive tasks, such as applying knowledge to problems never before encountered and drawing inferences from facts already known. New insights into how memory is encoded, consolidated, and later retrieved have led to a better understanding of how we learn. Grappling with the impediments that make learning challenging leads both to more complex mastery and better retention of what was learned. Many common study habits and practice routines turn out to be counterproductive. Underlining and highlighting, rereading, cramming, and single-minded repetition of new skills create the illusion of mastery, but gains fade quickly. More complex and durable learning come from self-testing, introducing certain difficulties in practice, waiting to re-study new material until a little forgetting has set in, and interleaving the practice of one skill or topic with another. Speaking most urgently to students, teachers, trainers, and athletes, Make It Stick will appeal to all those interested in the challenge of lifelong learning and self-improvement.
Publication Date: 2014, 1st edition
Curriculum Development
- MedEdPORTALInnovative and generalizable educational materials that have been implemented with target learners with the aim of helping to improve patient care. The learners must include training or practicing physicians or dentists (e.g., professional school, residency, faculty development, continuing professional development) and may include trainees or practitioners across the health professions.
- Open Educational Resources (OER)Find OER books, courses, images, and more with this guide by Lauren Ray, Open Education Librarian.
Additional Resources
Handbook of Self-Compassion by Amy Finlay-Jones (Editor); Karen Bluth (Editor); Kristin Neff (Editor) This handbook examines contemporary issues in self-compassion science and practice. It describes advances in the conceptualization and measurement of self-compassion as well as current evidence from cross-sectional and experimental research. The volume addresses the foundational issues of self-compassion, including its relationship to self-esteem and mindfulness. In addition, it considers the developmental origins of self-compassion and its relevance across the life course, including among adolescents and older adults. The handbook explores the role of self-compassion in promoting well-being and resilience and addresses new frontiers in self-compassion research, such as the neural underpinnings and psychophysiology of compassionate self-regulation Key areas of coverage include: The meaning of self-compassion for gender and sexuality minority groups. The cultivation of self-compassion among young people. The use of interventions to promote self-compassion. The role of compassion-based interventions in clinical contexts. Important insights for using self-compassion-based interventions in practice. The Handbook of Self Compassion is a must-have resource for researchers, professors, and graduate students as well as clinicians, therapists, and other practitioners in psychology, complementary and alternative medicine, and social work as well as all interrelated research disciplines and clinical practices.
Publication Date: 2023, 1st edition