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Assessment and Evaluation
Assessment in Health Professions Education by Yudkowsky, Park, and Downing (Editors) Assessment in Health Professions Education, second edition, provides a comprehensive guide for educators in the health professions--medicine, dentistry, nursing, pharmacy, and allied health fields. This second edition has been extensively revised and updated by leaders in the field. Part I of the book presents an introduction to assessment fundamentals and their theoretical underpinnings from the perspective of the health professions. Part II covers specific assessment methods, with a focus on validity, best practices, challenges, and practical guidelines for the effective implementation of successful assessment programs. Part III addresses special topics and recent innovative approaches, including narrative assessment, situational judgment tests, programmatic assessment, mastery learning settings, and the key features approach. This accessible text addresses the essential concepts for the health professions educator and provides the background needed to understand, interpret, develop, and effectively implement assessment methods.
Publication Date: 2020, 2nd editionPractical Guide to the Evaluation of Clinical Competence by Eric S. Holmboe; Richard E. Hawkins; Steven James Durning Designed to help medical educators implement better assessment methods, tools, and models directly into training programs, Practical Guide to the Evaluation of Clinical Competence, 2nd Edition, by Drs. Eric S. Holmboe, Steven J. Durning, and Richard E. Hawkins, is a hands-on, authoritative guide to outcomes-based assessment in clinical education. National and international experts present an organized, multifaceted approach and a diverse combination of methods to help you perform effective assessments. This thoroughly revised edition is a valuable resource for developing, implementing, and sustaining effective systems for evaluating clinical competence in medical school, residency, and fellowship programs. Each chapter provides practical suggestions and assessment models that can be implemented directly into training programs, tools that can be used to measure clinical performance, overviews of key educational theories, and strengths and weaknesses of every method. Guidelines that apply across the medical education spectrum allow you to implement the book's methods in any educational situation. New chapters on high-quality assessment of clinical reasoning and assessment of procedural competence, as well as a new chapter on practical approaches to feedback. Reorganized for ease of use, with expanded coverage of Milestones/Entrustable Professional Assessments (EPAs), cognitive assessment techniques, work-based procedural assessments, and frameworks. The expert editorial team, renowned leaders in assessment, is joined by global leader in medical education and clinical reasoning, Dr. Steven Durning.
Publication Date: 2018, 2nd edition
Clinical Teaching
Handbook of Clinical Teaching by Somnath Mookherjee (Editor); Ellen M. Cosgrove (Editor) Targeting the practical needs of clinical teachers who do not have extensive time to undergo additional training, this book provides an accessible, on-the-spot resource to bolster teaching skills and optimize the education of trainees. A massive transformation takes place every summer in the United States: thousands of trainees in graduate medical education are appointed as attending physicians responsible for effectively teaching the next generation of medical students and residents. This handbook includes only the most relevant topics for new clinical teachers, and covers the basics of clinical teaching, teaching in specific situations, teaching different audiences, and best practices for handling challenging situations. The format is conducive to "just in time"learning, perfect for quick reference before meeting with learners or engaging in specific teaching situations, such as in an ambulatory clinic or at the bedside. Key points are emphasized with frequent use of tables and boxed practical content. Applicable to all teaching attendings regardless of specialty, the Handbook of Clinical Teaching is a valuable aid for individuals who wish to improve their teaching, and serves as a practical guide for faculty development in clinical teaching.
Publication Date: 2016, 1st editionEvidence-Based Physical Diagnosis by Steven McGee Evidence-based insights into physical signs have evolved and progressed greatly over the past few years, further defining how physical findings identify disease, solve clinical problems, and forecast patient outcomes. Evidence-Based Physical Diagnosis, 5th Edition, is an up-to-date, authoritative resource for guidance on interpreting physical signs, enabling you to determine the most appropriate physical finding to confirm a diagnosis. Incorporating more than 200 new studies, this definitive text helps you glean the most from what you hear, see, and feel at the bedside-information that, combined with modern technologic testing, will grant clinicians the keys to outstanding patient care. Emphasizes the most important physical signs needed to determine the underlying condition or disease. Internationally renowned author Dr. Steven McGee shows readers how to pare down the multiple tests needed to confirm a diagnosis, saving both the physician and patient time and money. Features a reader-friendly outline format, including dozens of "EBM boxes" and accompanying "EBM ruler" illustrations. Contains thorough updates from cover to cover, including new evidence on the scientific value of the Romberg test (spinal stenosis); oximeter paradoxus (cardiac tamponade); platypnea (liver disease); pupil size in red eye (acute glaucoma); hum test (hearing loss); and many more. Begins each chapter with a list of Key Teaching Points, intended for readers desiring quick summaries and for teachers constructing concise bedside lessons. Features a unique evidence-based calculator online that enables you to easily determine probability using likelihood ratios. Enhanced eBook version included with purchase, which allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
Publication Date: 2022, 5th editionMedical Professionalism Best Practices: Professionalism in the Modern Era by Richard L. Byyny; Douglas S. Paauw; Maxine Papadakis; Sheryl Pfeil "To continue the development and ongoing scholarship of medical professionalism, A[Omega]A hosts a biennial Professionalism Conference bringing together leaders in the field of medical professionalism. In September 2016, more than 20 medical educators and specialists in medical professionalism came together in Chicago for three days to discuss Medical Professionalism Best Practices: Professionalism in the Modern Era. The meeting was co-chaired and moderated by Douglas S. Paauw, MD, Maxine Papadakis, MD, and Sheryl Pfeil, MD. The following chapters are taken from the 2016 conference speakers' presentations and resulting discussion. The hope is that this monograph will aid medical schools, professional organizations, practitioners, and all involved in health care in their very important work on professionalism in medicine"--Preface.
Publication Date: 2017, 1st editionSeidel's Guide to Physical Examination: An Interprofessional Approach by Jane W. Ball; Joyce E. Dains; John A. Flynn; Barry S. Solomon; Rosalyn W. Stewart Learn how to conduct a patient-centered health history and physical examination! Seidel's Guide to Physical Examination: An Interprofessional Approach, 10th Edition takes a uniquely interprofessional collaborative approach to health assessment, with a strong emphasis on lifespan considerations and differential diagnosis of unexpected findings. Each core chapter is organized into four sections - Anatomy and Physiology, Review of Related History, Examination and Findings, and Abnormalities - with lifespan content integrated into each area. Written by a team of nurse practitioners and physicians, this one-of-a-kind textbook uses evidence-based guidelines to help you master hands-on exam techniques as well as communication skills that build rapport and trust with the patient. UNIQUE! Interprofessional collaborative approach is written by two advanced practice nurses and three physicians, providing balanced expertise in both pediatric and adult-geriatric health. UNIQUE! Integrated lifespan content provides separate sections in each chapter for Infants and Children, Adolescents, Pregnant Patients, and Older Adults. UNIQUE! Compassionate, patient-centered approach emphasizes developing good communication skills, use of effective hands-on examination techniques, and reliance on clinical reasoning and clinical decision-making skills. UNIQUE! Strong emphasis on social inclusiveness and patient-centeredness incorporates LGBTQ+ patients and providers, with special emphasis on cultural competency, history taking, and special considerations for examination of the breasts, female and male genitalia, reproductive health, thyroid, and the anus/rectum/prostate. UNIQUE! Cross-references to Dains' Advanced Health Assessment & Clinical Diagnosis in Primary Care help you take the next step in clinical reasoning and also develop diagnostic reasoning skills. Differential Diagnosis tables are provided throughout the text. Clinical Pearls offer insights and practical, real-world expertise. Evolve website includes assessment video clips, animations, review questions, performance checklists, and more. NEW! 60 new illustrations and new videos include 30 drawings and 30 photos in the textbook, along with 15 new health assessment videos (including The Head-to-Toe Exam and Navigating the EMR) provided free on the Evolve website with every new copy of the textbook. NEW! Updated content includes human trafficking screening, genetics and genomics, Healthy People 2030 guidelines, and a new mnemonics quick reference inside the back cover. NEW! Thoroughly revised The Patient Record chapter is refocused to reflect the EMR's benefits (such as order entry, clinical decision support, and linkages to lab results) and how to overcome challenges (such as poor patient experience and the need to be careful about what is written in the record). NEW! Updated LGBTQ+ considerations (e.g., health screening considerations) and cultural content throughout reflect a current understanding of and greater sensitivity to these often underserved patient populations. NEW Think About. boxes direct you to next steps when you see particular clusters of findings. NEW Unexpected Findings icon helps beginning practitioners differentiate common normal variations from abnormalities that might warrant follow-up.
Publication Date: 2023, 10th edition
Curriculum Development
Curriculum Development for Medical Education by Patricia A. Thomas (Editor); David E. Kern (Editor); Mark T. Hughes (Editor) A thoroughly revised and updated fourth edition of a text that has become an international standard for curriculum development in health professional education. Intended for faculty and other content experts who have an interest or responsibility as educators in their discipline, Curriculum Development for Medical Education has extended its vision to better serve a diverse professional and international audience. Building on the time-honored, practical, and user-friendly approach of the six-step model of curriculum development, this edition is richly detailed, with numerous examples of innovations that challenge traditional teaching models. In addition, the fourth edition presents * updates in our understanding of how humans learn; * a new chapter on curricula that address community needs and health equity; and * an increased emphasis throughout on health systems science, population health, equity, educational technology in health professions education, and interprofessional education. This new edition remains a cutting-edge tool and practical guidebook for faculty members and administrators responsible for the educational experiences of health professional students, residents, fellows, and practitioners. It includes chapters on each of the steps of curriculum development, with updated examples and questions to guide the application of the timeless principles. Subsequent chapters cover curriculum maintenance and enhancement, dissemination, and curriculum development for larger programs. Appendixes present examples of full curricula designed using the six-step approach, which is widely recognized as the current standard for publication and dissemination of new curricula and provides a basis for meaningful educational interventions, scholarship, and career advancement for the health professional educator. The book also provides curricular, faculty development, and funding resources. Contributors: Chadia N. Abras, Belinda Y. Chen, Heidi L. Gullett, Mark T. Hughes, David E. Kern, Brenessa M. Lindeman, Pamela A. Lipsett, Mary L. O'Connor Leppert, Amit K. Pahwa, Deanna Saylor, Mamta K. Singh, Sean A. Tackett, Patricia A. Thomas
Publication Date: 2022, 4th edition
- MedEdPORTALInnovative and generalizable educational materials that have been implemented with target learners with the aim of helping to improve patient care. The learners must include training or practicing physicians or dentists (e.g., professional school, residency, faculty development, continuing professional development) and may include trainees or practitioners across the health professions.
- Open Educational Resources (OER)Find OER books, courses, images, and more with this guide by Lauren Ray, Open Education Librarian.
Education Theory
Hitting Pause: 65 Lecture Breaks to Refresh and Reinforce Learning by Gail Taylor Rice Pauses constitute a simple technique for enlivening and enhancing the effectiveness of lectures, or indeed of any form of instruction, whether a presentation or in an experiential setting. This book presents the evidence and rationale for breaking up lectures into shorter segments by using pauses to focus attention, reinforce key points, and review learning. It also provides 65 adaptable pause ideas to use at the opening of class, mid-way through, or as closers. Starting with brain science research on attention span and cognitive load, Rice bases her book on two fundamental principles: shorter segments of instruction are better than longer ones, and learners who actively participate in instruction learn better than those who don't. Pausing helps teachers apply these principles and create student engagement without requiring major changes in their lesson plans. With careful planning, they can integrate pauses into learning sessions with ease and significantly reinforce student learning. They will also gain feedback on students' comprehension. Rice sets out the characteristics of good pauses, gives advice on how to plan them and how to introduce them to maximum effect. She provides compelling examples and concludes with a repertory of pauses readers can easily modify and apply to any discipline. This book contains a compendium of strategies that any teacher can fruitfully use to reinforce learning, as well as a stepping stone to those seeking to transition to more active learning methods. It: * Makes the case for using pauses * Identifies the primary functions of pauses: focusing, refocusing, enhancing retention, or closing off the learning experience * Provides research evidence from cognitive science and educational psychology * Provides practical guidance for creating quick active learning breaks * Distinguishes between starting, middle, and closing pauses * Includes descriptions, with suggested applications, of 65 pauses
Publication Date: 2018, 1st editionHow Learning Works: Eight Research-Based Principles for Smart Teaching by Marie K. Norman; Marsha C. Lovett; Michael W. Bridges; Michele DiPietro; Susan A. Ambrose Apply these eight learning principles for more effective teaching As educators in the ever-evolving landscape of higher education, we are continuously challenged to keep our courses effective, engaging, relevant, and inclusive. The updated and expanded second edition of How Learning Works can help! It incorporates the latest research, provides a wider range of strategies, and adds a new principle to your toolkit. Readers will find eight essential learning principles that distill the overwhelming research literature into: Real-world teaching and learning scenarios Examples that reflect a diverse set of teaching environments and learner populations 150 practical strategies you can apply to your teaching context With these practical, broadly applicable insights, you can: Understand why your successful teaching approaches work Solve common teaching and learning problems Adapt your teaching to new modalities (e.g., online, hybrid) and challenges Ground your innovations in evidence-based practice Based on research from cognitive psychology, developmental psychology, education, anthropology, and more--this book makes learning work...for you and your students.
Publication Date: 2023, 2nd editionHow People Learn: Bridging Research and Practice by National Research Council Staff; M. Suzanne Donovan (Editor); John D. Bransford (Editor); James W. Pellegrino (Editor); Learning Research and Educational Practice Staff; Board on Behavioral, Cognitive, and Sensory Sciences Staff; Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education Staff How People Learn: Bridging Research and Practice provides a broad overview of research on learners and learning and on teachers and teaching. It expands on the 1999 National Research Council publication How People Learn: Brain, Mind, Experience, and School, Expanded Edition that analyzed the science of learning in infants, educators, experts, and more. In How People Learn: Bridging Research and Practice, the Committee on Learning Research and Educational Practice asks how the insights from research can be incorporated into classroom practice and suggests a research and development agenda that would inform and stimulate the required change. The committee identifies teachers, or classroom practitioners, as the key to change, while acknowledging that change at the classroom level is significantly impacted by overarching public policies. How People Learn: Bridging Research and Practice highlights three key findings about how students gain and retain knowledge and discusses the implications of these findings for teaching and teacher preparation. The highlighted principles of learning are applicable to teacher education and professional development programs as well as to K-12 education. The research-based messages found in this book are clear and directly relevant to classroom practice. It is a useful guide for teachers, administrators, researchers, curriculum specialists, and educational policy makers.
Publication Date: 1999, 1st editionMake It Stick: The Science of Successful Learning by Henry L. Roediger III; Mark A. McDaniel; Peter C. Brown To most of us, learning something "the hard way" implies wasted time and effort. Good teaching, we believe, should be creatively tailored to the different learning styles of students and should use strategies that make learning easier. Make It Stick turns fashionable ideas like these on their head. Drawing on recent discoveries in cognitive psychology and other disciplines, the authors offer concrete techniques for becoming more productive learners. Memory plays a central role in our ability to carry out complex cognitive tasks, such as applying knowledge to problems never before encountered and drawing inferences from facts already known. New insights into how memory is encoded, consolidated, and later retrieved have led to a better understanding of how we learn. Grappling with the impediments that make learning challenging leads both to more complex mastery and better retention of what was learned. Many common study habits and practice routines turn out to be counterproductive. Underlining and highlighting, rereading, cramming, and single-minded repetition of new skills create the illusion of mastery, but gains fade quickly. More complex and durable learning come from self-testing, introducing certain difficulties in practice, waiting to re-study new material until a little forgetting has set in, and interleaving the practice of one skill or topic with another. Speaking most urgently to students, teachers, trainers, and athletes, Make It Stick will appeal to all those interested in the challenge of lifelong learning and self-improvement.
Publication Date: 2014, 1st editionUnderstanding Medical Education by Tim Swanwick (Editor); Kirsty Forrest (Editor); Bridget C. O'Brien (Editor) Created in partnership with the Association for the Study of Medical Education (ASME), this completely revised and updated new edition of Understanding Medical Education synthesizes the latest knowledge, evidence and best practice across the continuum of medical education. Written and edited by an international team, this latest edition continues to cover a wide range of subject matter within five broad areas - Foundations, Teaching and Learning, Assessment and Selection, Research and Evaluation, and Faculty and Learners - as well as featuring a wealth of new material, including new chapters on the science of learning, knowledge synthesis, and learner support and well-being. The third edition of Understanding Medical Education: Provides a comprehensive and authoritative resource summarizing the theoretical and academic bases to modern medical education practice Meets the needs of all newcomers to medical education whether undergraduate or postgraduate, including those studying at certificate, diploma or masters level Offers a global perspective on medical education from leading experts from across the world Providing practical guidance and exploring medical education in all its diversity, Understanding Medical Education continues to be an essential resource for both established educators and all those new to the field.
Publication Date: 2019, 3rd edition
Faculty Development and Mentorship
Faculty Development in the Health Professions: A Focus on Research and Practice by Yvonne Steinert (Editor) This volume addresses all facets of faculty development, including academic and career development, teaching improvement, research capacity building, and leadership development. In addition, it describes a multitude of ways, ranging from workshops to the workplace, in which health professionals can develop their knowledge and skills. By providing an informed and scholarly overview of faculty development, and by describing original content that has not been previously published, this book helps to ensure that research and evidence inform practice, moves the scholarly agenda forward, and promotes dialogue and debate in this evolving field. It will prove an invaluable resource for faculty development program planning, implementation and evaluation, and will help to sustain faculty members' vitality and commitment to excellence. Kelley M. Skeff, M.D., Ph.D., May 2013: In this text, Steinert and her colleagues have provided a significant contribution to the future of faculty development. In an academic and comprehensive way, the authors have both documented past efforts in faculty development as well as provided guidance and stimuli for the future. The scholarly and well-referenced chapters provide a compendium of methods previously used while emphasizing the expanding areas deserving work. Moreover, the writers consistently elucidate the faculty development process by highlighting the theoretical underpinnings of faculty development and the research conducted. Thus, the book provides an important resource for two major groups, current providers and researchers in faculty development as well as those desiring to enter the field. Both groups of readers can benefit from a reading of the entire book or by delving into their major area of interest and passion. In so doing, they will better understand our successes and our limitations in this emerging field. Faculty development in the health professions has now received attention for 6 decades. Yet, dedicated faculty members trying to address the challenges in medical education and the health care delivery system do not have all the assistance they need to achieve their goals. This book provides a valuable resource towards that end.
Publication Date: 2014, 1st editionMentoring in Health Professions Education: Evidence-Informed Strategies Across the Continuum by Alice Fornari, Darshana T. Shah, editors. "This IAMSE Manual, Mentoring Across the Continuum, is a product of its co-editors' and authors’ lifetime work in mentoring faculty and studying the impact of this mentoring. The book defines the field of academic medicine as highly dependent on finding and relating to mentors at virtually every stage of a doctor's career. It describes and analyzes successful mentor/mentee relationships, examining the authors' personal experiences, as well as a data-driven approach, to explore the many different roles and perspectives on mentoring relationships and ultimately the mentoring culture. The editors look at the data with respect to the success of different strategies in mentoring, as well as different structures of diverse mentoring programs. As well, proven ways to deliver these programs successfully for all professionals who lead mentoring programs or are active participants as mentees. There is a special emphasis on the mentoring of medical educators. However, the themes explored in this book are generalizable beyond the medical educator to include diverse academic roles across the continuum. In particular, enumerating the many specific roles of a mentor beyond just the traditional concepts adds breadth and depth to understanding what can be gained from mentor-mentee relationships. This Manual is a valuable resource for clinicians, educators, and trainees in addition to anyone involved in medical education and progressing through the stages of practicing, teaching, and learning in medicine. This Manual represents a meaningful addition to the literature on this most important professional subject."--Provided by publisher
Publication Date: 2021, 1st editionHandbook of Self-Compassion (Mindfulness in Behavioral Health Series) by Amy Finlay-Jones (Editor); Karen Bluth (Editor); Kristin Neff (Editor) This handbook examines contemporary issues in self-compassion science and practice. It describes advances in the conceptualization and measurement of self-compassion as well as current evidence from cross-sectional and experimental research. The volume addresses the foundational issues of self-compassion, including its relationship to self-esteem and mindfulness. In addition, it considers the developmental origins of self-compassion and its relevance across the life course, including among adolescents and older adults. The handbook explores the role of self-compassion in promoting well-being and resilience and addresses new frontiers in self-compassion research, such as the neural underpinnings and psychophysiology of compassionate self-regulation Key areas of coverage include: The meaning of self-compassion for gender and sexuality minority groups. The cultivation of self-compassion among young people. The use of interventions to promote self-compassion. The role of compassion-based interventions in clinical contexts. Important insights for using self-compassion-based interventions in practice. The Handbook of Self Compassion is a must-have resource for researchers, professors, and graduate students as well as clinicians, therapists, and other practitioners in psychology, complementary and alternative medicine, and social work as well as all interrelated research disciplines and clinical practices.
Publication Date: 2023, 1st edition
Research and Scholarship
Conducting Research in Health Professions Education: From Idea to Publication by Academic Medicine This eBook, consisting entirely of Last Pages of Academic Medicine, provides over 40 one-page primers exploring every stage of health professions education research.
Publication Date: 2016Qualitative Research in Health Care by Catherine Pope (Editor); Nicholas Mays (Editor) Provides the essential information that health care researchers and health professionals need to understand the basics of qualitative research Now in its fourth edition, this concise, accessible, and authoritative introduction to conducting and interpreting qualitative research in the health care field has been fully revised and updated. Continuing to introduce the core qualitative methods for data collection and analysis, this new edition also features chapters covering newer methods which are becoming more widely used in the health research field; examining the role of theory, the analysis of virtual and digital data, and advances in participatory approaches to research. Qualitative Research in Health Care, 4th Edition looks at the interface between qualitative and quantitative research in primary mixed method studies, case study research, and secondary analysis and evidence synthesis. The book further offers chapters covering: different research designs, ethical issues in qualitative research; interview, focus group and observational methods; and documentary and conversation analysis. A succinct, and practical guide quickly conveying the essentials of qualitative research Updated with chapters on new and increasingly used methods of data collection including digital and web research Features new examples and up-to-date references and further reading. The fourth edition of Qualitative Research in Health Care is relevant to health care professionals, researchers and students in health and related disciplines.
Publication Date: 2020, 4th editionScholarship Assessed: Evaluation of the Professoriate by Charles E. Glassick; Mary Taylor Huber; Gene I. Maeroff Scholarship Assessed continues the exploration begun by Scholarship Reconsidered. It examines the changing nature of scholarship in today's colleges and universities and proposes new standards with a special emphasis on methods for assessment and documentation. Begun under the oversight of Ernest L. Boyer, and based on the findings of the Carnegie Foundation's National Survey on the Reexamination of Faculty Roles and Rewards, Scholarship Assessed provides a base of information for and gives focus to the debate of institutional standards of rigor and quality.
Publication Date: 1997, 1st edition
Additional Resources
Thieme Teaching Assistant - Anatomy
Access to thousands of anatomy images from 5 textbook resources. For UW educational use only.
- Annotated Bibliography of Journals for Educational ScholarshipFrom the Medical Education Scholarship Research and Evaluation (MESRE) section of the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC). Revised September, 2022.
- Teaching ResourcesFrom UW School of Medicine Center for Leadership and Innovation in Medical Education (CLIME)
Journal articles & series
- Applying educational theory in practiceKaufman, DM. BMJ. 2003 Jan 25; 326(7382): 213–216.
ABC of learning and teaching in medicine - Twelve tips for incorporating educational theory into teaching practicesMed Teach. 2012; 34(8): 618-24.
- The Rational Clinical Examination (JAMA)Explore JAMA's groundbreaking series on evidence-based use of the medical history, physical examination, and testing to diagnosis disease.