Here we discuss features that have been UPDATED in the new interface but still existed in the old interface. You will find content on basic searching, best match result order, advanced searches, how to refine your search results, and an FAQ page at the bottom.
For processes and content items that were not in Legacy PubMed and are NEW, please see the New Features page.
In legacy PubMed, the automatic order of your results was based on publication date - showing relevant articles, but prioritizing date over relevance in some cases. The other option, without using filters to refine your results, was to use "Best Match". This ensured that the order of your results reflected relevancy first over date of publication.
Caution: This means that, although "Best Match" may potentially show a "better fit" for your search, the information may be older than what you need for your research due to field advancements, new trends, or new discoveries. It is a good practice to check both search result orders to understand what the differences are between more current and "more relevant" information.
If you have further questions about what might be best for you or how to navigate this on a particular topic, ask a librarian!
In the new interface, you build your advanced search in the same way at the old search. There are some functionality changes to be aware of.
Updates to this feature include:
Click here to view Legacy PubMed directions.
Click here to view Legacy PubMed directions.