Articles on Canadian topics can be found in databases covering various disciplines. Those listed here are some of the major databases for doing research related to business, economics, history, literature, politics and sociology. For other databases see those listed under other Research Guides. For example, if you are researching a topic related to education in Canada see the Education Research Guide for additional databases.
When searching databases, link your search terms using the AND connector. For example: residential schools and alberta. On the search results screen, use the options on the left toolbar to narrow your search results. To find the fulltext of the article (if not provided directly in the database), click on the "Check for Full Text" button and work your way through the screens. Not all articles will be online, some may only be in print, others may not be available at the UW. Articles from journals which the UW does not own can be requested via Interlibrary loan.
Journal articles in the field of sociology, including international literature and other related disciplines.