Guide to finding articles, books, and reference resources in pure and applied statistical methods.
Math/Stat Digital Archives
Digital Registries
AMS Digital Mathematics Registry (DMR), provide centralized access to certain collections of digitized publications in the mathematical sciences. The registry is primarily focused on older material from journals and journal-like book series that originally appeared in print but are now available in digital form.
Gallica. A Bibliotheque Nationale de France project of 244 digitized mathematics titles includes many important 19th century monographs, serial back sets, and collected works of mathematicians.
GDZ, Göttinger Digitalisierungs-Zentrum, Mathematica. German retrospective digitization of 18th and 19th century journals, multivolume sets and monographs.
JSTOR. The collection includes the complete back files of 16 mathematics journals and 20 statistics journals. It also includes a number of general science journals that have mathematical and statistical articles. UW restricted
NUMDAM NUMérisation de Documents Anciens Mathématiques. French project to digitize older French journals and seminars. Includes Annales de l'Institut Fourier and Journées Équations aux Dérivées Partielles.
Math-Net.Ru, all Russian mathematical portal. Free online access to full-text articles of the Publishing House "Nauka" journals is available now and allowed 3 years after publication of the corresponding issue.
La Bibliothèque Gallica-Math, Cellule MathDoc search interface to article level of collected works in GAllica, Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées (1836-1881+), and Répertoire Bibliographique des Sciences Mathématiques (1894-1912).
mini-DML. Digitized older mathematics primarily found in French digital archives.
Digital Initiatives
WDML, World Digital Mathematics Library. The Committee on Electronic Information and Communication (CEIC) of the International mathematical Union has made a commitment to coordinate further efforts to achieve a world-wide digital library. This site contains information about the World Digital Mathematics Library project and will be updated as the effort continues.
EMANI, Electronic Mathematics Archives Network Initiative. A coalition of libraries and Springer-Verlag hope to provide long term preservation and access to mathematics literature. List of available titles.