If you are looking for information about Pacific Northwest topics, get started with our Pacific Northwest Reference Collection.
If you are looking for articles about the Pacific Northwest in newspapers or periodicals, you can search for citations in the Pacific Northwest Regional Newspaper and Periodical Index. Citations since 1996 and select other entries are available online; however, most of the citations are only available in the card files in the Special Collections Reference Area.
The America History & Life database indexes scholarly publications and the Washington State Newsstand indexes 18 Washington newspapers since the mid-1980s, but access to these resources is limited to the UW community.
If you want to know which Pacific Northwest city directories and phonebooks Special Collections owns, consult our list of City Directories or database of Phonebooks.
Some of the special features of the collection include pre-1972 clippings on a wide range of Pacific Northwest subjects (pamphlet files), fiction set in the Pacific Northwest, explorers' journals, plat atlases, and materials on local theater, outdoor recreation, Northwest Coast Native Americans, local histories, and some funeral home records.
Special Collections' historical and rare maps range from 16th-century world maps to 19th and early 20th-century Pacific Northwest maps and bird's-eye views. Most Special Collections' maps are cataloged in the Library's online catalog. Once you identify an appropriate call number, ask reference staff to also bring you related uncataloged maps to peruse as well.
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