4. False Dungeness Harbor, Washington
U.S. Coast Survey, 1:30,000, 1853
G4282.P52P5 1853 .U5 1976
Maps General Map Cases
5. Port Townsend, Washington
U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1:40,000, 1856
G4282.P65P5 1856 .U5 1976
Maps General Map Cases
6. New Dunginess Roads and Budds Harbour, Straits of Fuca, Oregon Territory
U.S. Department of Commerce, 1841
G4282.D83 P5 1841 .U5 1900
7. Harbours in Admiralty Inlet, Oregon Territory
U.S. Department of Commerce, 1841
G4282.A34 P5 1841 .U5 1900
8. Straits of Juan De Fuca, Oregon Territory
U.S. Department of Commerce, 1841
G3302.J8 P5 1841 .U5 1900
9. Port Discovery, St. Juan Harbour, and Scarborough Harbour, Straits of Fuca, Oregon Territory
U.S. Department of Commerce, 1841
G3302.J8 P5 1841 .U51 1900
10. Georgia Strait and Strait of Juan De Fuca
U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1929
G3302.J8P5 1929 .U5
11. Join Chart of the International Boundary between United States and Canada from the Forty - Ninth Parallel to the Pacific Ocean
International Boundary Commission, 1:200,000, 1919
G3312.S8F2 1919 .I5
12. South Shore Strait of Juan De Fuca, Morse Creek to Dungeness
U.S. Coast Survey, 1:20,000, 1907-1908
G3512.J8 1908 .U5
13. Preliminary Survey of False Dungeness, Strait of Juan De Fuca
U.S. Coast Survey, 1:10,000, 1852
G4282.E35 1852 .U5
14. South Shore Strait of Juan De Fuca, Freshwater Bay and Vicinity
U.S. Coast Survey, 1:20,000, 1908
G3512.J8 1908 .U51
15. Map of New Dungeness, Strait of Juan De Fuca
U.S. Coast Survey, 1:10,000, 1855
G4282.D85 1855 .U5
Map of New Dungeness, Strait of Juan De Fuca
U.S. Coast Survey, 1:10,000, 1855
G4282.D85 1855 .U51
Maps Historic Map Cases
16. Hydrography of New Dungeness, Strait of Juan De Fuca
U.S. Coast Survey, 1:10,000, 1855
G4282.D83P5 1955 .U5
17. Port Discovery, Washington Harbor and Approaches
U.S. Coast Survey, 1:20,000, 1881
G4282.D53 1881 .U5
18. Washington Harbor, Strait of Juan De Fuca
U.S. Coast Survey, 10,000, 1870
G4282.S43 1870 .U5
20. Protection Island to New Dungeness, Strait of Juan De Fuca, Washington Territory
U.S. Coast Survey, 1:10,000, 1870
G3512.J8 1870 .U5