Southeast Asia Librarian Profile: Education & Background
This Guide describes what services the Southeast Asia Section offers to students and faculty, and includes my interests and educational background.
Education & Professional Activities
Ph.D. Dept. of History. Dissertation: “Performing Modernity in the Writings of Nguyễn An Ninh and Phan Văn Hùm.” University of Washington.
M.A. Dept. of History (Southeast Asia and European Intellectual), University of Washington.
Masters in Library and Information Science. University of California at Berkeley.
B.A. (Hons) Southeast Asian HistorySchool of Oriental and African Studies, London University.
Professional memberships
Association for Asian Studies
University of Washington Distinguished Librarian Award, 2010.
Recognized by the Vietnamese Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Sport for services to Vietnamese culture, for directing the Southeast Asia Microform Project (SEAM) preservation project at National Library of Viet Nam, 2009.
Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad award and a Blakemore Foundation Advanced Foreign Language award to conduct research in libraries and archives in Viet Nam and France, 2000.