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Collection Guidelines: Jewish Studies : Subject Info

These are the guidelines by which materials are purchased for the Jewish Studies collections of the UW Libraries (Seattle Campus).

About This Guide

These are the guidelines by which materials are purchased for the Jewish Studies collections of the UW Libraries (Seattle Campus).  For questions or more information, please contact the Jewish Studies Librarian.

UW Libraries: Collection Goals

The UW Libraries is committed to providing convenient and timely access to collections and information resources that are outstanding with respect to their quality, depth, diversity, format and currency to support the research and teaching missions of the University of Washington.

Subject Definition

The Jewish Studies Program is oneof two thematic programs in the Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies, the other being Comparative Religion. Asan interdisciplinary program, Jewish Studies is concerned with the historical development of the institutions, culture and society of the Jewish people. Courses in history, comparative religion, languages, literature, political science, economics, philosophy, sociology, and American Studies provide for study of the history of the Jewish people and the influence of their culture on world civilization.


Subject Classification

Library of Congress Classification (LC):

Materials for Jewish Studies are cataloged throughout the LC schedules but are concentrated in

  • BM, Judaism
  • D, History (General and Old World)
  • PJ, 4500-5200 (Hebrew and Yiddish Philology and Literature).

Dewey Decimal Classification (Dewey materials are all located in remote storage):

  • Pre-1968 imprints are found primarily in 296, religion
  • 492.49, 437 and 839, Yiddish
  • 813, literature
  • 909, 913, 915, 933, 949, and 956, history.