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Psychology: Measurement Tools

Getting started with finding tests & measures

General tips

  • Finding tests and measures can be tricky -- give yourself lots of time and don't be shy about asking for help if you need it.
  • Be as flexible as you can. If you can't find the exact test you had in mind, could you use something similar instead?
  • Remember that sometimes specific tests are only available directly from the authors or publishers. If you are committed to obtaining that exact item, you may need to reach out to them and/or pay a fee to obtain it.

Paths to finding tests

  • Find a specific test: Find the exact name of the test, its authors, and other publication information and use the dropdown menus to the left or right of the search bar to enter that specific information -- for example, a title search.

A screenshot of the search boxes in PsycTests. The title and author fields in the dropdown menus have been selected and highlighted.

  • Search for tests by keywords: Identify variables and other criteria for tests you'd be interested in reviewing and do general searches for those items. Use the filters to the left of your results to narrow down on more specific criteria. See if the database you're in has a field for tests and measures specifically.

A screenshot of the PsycInfo search interface with the field for "TM Tests & Measures" selected and highlights next to the search box.

Recommended starting points

  • Check out recommended books, journals, and databases below.

Selected Books on Measurement Tools

Selected Journals on Measurement Tools