Evidence Based Practice (EBP) is the use of systematic decision-making processes or provision of services which have been shown, through available scientific evidence, to consistently improve measurable client outcomes. Instead of tradition, gut reaction or single observations as the basis for making decisions, EBP relies on data collected through experimental research and accounts for individual client characteristics and clinician expertise.
Within the field of mental health, Evidence Based Practice is often discussed in terms of treatments or interventions which are effective.
TRIP is a meta-database. It compiles information fromover 70 high quality online resources such as e-textbooks and online journals.
It is aimed at medical practitioners who are searching for ways to implement research in their practices. Its focus is therefore material pertaining to Evidence Based Practice (EBP) or Evidence Based Medicine (EBM).
Access to the website is free, but the access to Full Text is through the paid-for databases link, UW has subscriptions, so don't ever pay for an article - ask a librarian to help if you get asked for payment!
One of the search features in the TRIP Database is the ability to search by the PICO method.
PICO allows users to search using a structured clinical question which can include any or all of the following 4 elements:
P - Problem/Population/Patient (eg alcohol dependent women)
I - Intervention (eg the name of a treatment, medication or diagnostic test)
C - Comparison (eg a comparison of the Intervention with another type of treatment or intervention)
O - Outcome (eg lower mortality or relapse)