Basic Citation Format for Articles from a Journal's Website:
Author, A., Author, B., & Author, C. (Year). Article title. Periodical Title, volume(issue), pages. doi: xx.xxxxxxxxxx*
About Digital Object Identifier (DOI): A doi is a unique number publishers sometimes assign to journal articles. Providing a doi in the citation makes it easier for readers to find an online version of the work being cited. However, do not worry if you cannot find it on the article since many articles do not have a doi.
*If DOI is not available, give the exact URL or the home page URL for the journal, newsletter, or magazine in the reference. Use format: http://www.xxxxxxxxx
Examples with DOI:
Ye, Y., Yin, J., & Xu, Y. (2014, Jan 15). Social network supported process recommender system. ScientificWorldJournal. doi:10.1155/2014/349065
Intext citation: (Ye, Yin, & Xu, 2014)
Examples without DOI :
Weise, K. (2014, April 8). The Government Knows if You'll Pay Taxes Early or Wait Until the Last Minute. Bloomberg BusinessWeek.
Intext citation: (Weise, 2014)