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PubMed at the UW

Export Citations Out of PubMed

While in PubMed ...

  1. Start on the results screen or in your clipboard.
  2. If you want to export only some of the displayed citations, select them by checking the box to the left of those citations. If you want to export all the citations on the page, in your clipboard, or from the whole search, you can leave the boxes unchecked.
  3. On the results screen, click on the “Send to” button then select Citation manager.
    Exporting citations in PubMed - send to Citation Manager
  4. Choose from the dropdown. If you checked individual citations, use the Selection option. To export all results from a search, use All results.
    Exporting citations in PubMed  - export options
  5. Click Create File.
  6. The citations will save to your downloads folder. You can then move the file to the folder for your project.
  7. To import them, follow the instructions for your citation manager.


Import Citations (exported from PubMed) into Citation Managers

While in Mendeley...

  • Install Mendeley's Web Importer on your browser.
  • Select desired article on PubMed to display alone
  • Click on the "Import to Mendeley" button in toolbar
  • Select the "Reference Detected" and click "+ Add to Mendeley"
  • Log into Mendeley Web and click "Recently Added" to view
  • For Desktop version, you must sync your desktop application.

While in EndNote...

  • Select Import File under File.
  • Choose the file in which the citations were saved.
  • For the Import Options, select Other Filters, and use the PubMed (NLM) filter.
  • For the Duplicates Option, select the appropriate option; click on Import.
    Pop-up for Importing PubMed results into desktop EndNote

While in EndNote Basic...

  • Go to the Collect tab and choose Import References.
  • In File: click Choose File button and select file from your computer.
  • In Import Option: select PubMed (NLM) from the list.
  • In To: select New Group or the appropriate folder.
  • Click the Import button.
    Pop-up for importing from PubMed into EndNote Basic
  • note: See FAQ tab for directions for iPad users.

While in Zotero...

  • Go to the taskbar menu and select File > Import
  • Ensure "A file (BibTeX, RIS, Zotero RDF, etc.)" is selected. Select Next in the prompt menu
  • Navigate to file in Import Browser window, select file and click "Open"
  • Choose your file handling options to place your file and select "Next"
  • The prompt box will say "Import Complete". Select Finish.