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CINAHL Help Guide

Information about how to use CINAHL

View Results

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Viewing Results

Handling Results

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 Options for Handling Results

APA Option from Folder

APA from Search Results

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 Format APA for single record in Search Results

Viewing Results

  • Click on the article title to view more information about that item.
  • Change the way all results are displayed using the Page Options link above the search results.

If the full text of an article is contained within EBSCO, images found from within the article, such as tables and figures, may appear below the citation in the search results.

Print, Email, Save, Export Results

To move groups of records:  use the Folder feature.

  • Click Add to folder below your desired citations .
  • Open your folder by clicking Folder at the top of the page.
  • Select items by checking individual boxes or Select All.
  • Select the action you would like to take.

Print - Select from the available formatting options. Click Print.

Email - Fill out the form including full email address and subject to appear in the email subject line. Select other options as desired including format and click Send.

Save - Choose your options as above. Click Save.

Export - Automatically move results to citation software such as EndNote or RefWorks. Check the radio button beside Direct Export to the software of your choice. Click Save. Your reference managing software should now activate. NOTE:Check your references after import to make sure they have imported correctly. 

        To move individual records:  click on the title of the article to see the full record and the options as above.

APA or AMA Style

In CINAHL, you have the ability to format records in APA style or AMA style for copying and pasting into a Word document.

  • When using the Folder feature to group selected records, you can select to format in APA or AMA in the Print, Email, or Save screens.
  • When viewing individual records, use the Cite option to the right of the screen.

For APA sample citations, see the APA Style libguide.

For AMA sample citations, see the AMA Style libguide.

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