School of Medicine - Clerkships
Library resources in support of clerkship rotations and study
Related Guides
Core Clinical Rounds Resources
- JAMAevidence This link opens in a new windowProvides fundamental tools for understanding and applying the medical literature for clinical diagnoses, treatment and more. Includes:
- Users' Guides to the Medical Literature
- Critical Appraisal Checklists
- Rational Clinical Examination - ClinicalKey This link opens in a new windowProvides medical and surgical reference books, journals and videos, including point-of-care clinical, surgical and drug resources. Also includes Practice Guidelines, Patient education handouts and more.
- DynaMedex This link opens in a new windowClinical medical reference tool for diseases, disorders, symptoms, treatments, and Micromedex's evidence-based drug information.
- STAT!Ref This link opens in a new windowIncludes decision trees, equations and calculators for clinical decision support at point-of-care
- American College of Physicians (ACP)Includes information about common conditions
Helpful Clerkships Apps
- DynaMedex This link opens in a new windowClinical medical reference tool for diseases, disorders, symptoms, treatments, and Micromedex's evidence-based drug information.
- Essential Evidence Plus This link opens in a new windowEvidence-based, point-of-care clinical decision support system with access to over 13,000 topics, guidelines, abstracts, and summaries. An individual account is needed to access content.
- UpToDate This link opens in a new windowEvidence-based clinical decision support to help clinicians make sound decisions at the point of care.
- Epocrates (free version)Useful to identify recommended drugs, drug interactions and, dosages. Includes guidelines and tables
- MedCalXFree medical calculator for iOS that gives easy access to complicated medical formulas, scores, scales and classifications
- MDCalcIncludes medical formulas, algorithms, scores, and criteria for medical conditions
- CDC Contraception AppGuide to different contraception methods based on risk factors - offline as of January 2025
- CDC STD GuideHelps identify sexually transmitted diseases and treatment options
- Core: ClerkshipsPractical guide on how to write notes, call consults and more for each core clerkship
- UW OCCAMIncludes University of Washington protocols. Available with UW NetID and password
- ASCCP Management GuideIncludes Guidelines for pap smears and cervical cancer screening
- Bright Futures GuidelinesIncludes pediatric guidelines and more
- VisualDx This link opens in a new windowIncludes medical images, dermatologic
conditions by skin color, differential diagnosis builders, and more
KUDOS: Much of this content was compiled by UWSOM medical students in medSTAT and Crushing Clerkships