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Finding Drug Information

How to find drug information. Includes an information flow chart, table of resources, and more.

Resources by Topic

Drug Information Resources: Resources by Question Type (Topic)

But what resource should I begin with? It depends upon the type of question.

This table identifies specific resources, as starting points, to answer common question types (listed alphabetically). Links to the resources are also given so you can practice with them.

Resources by Question Type

Question Type First Choices Next Choices
Adverse effects
Chemical Data
Clinical Trials  
Comparative Information
Disease state information
Dosage Recommendations
Drug administration
Drug interactions (drug-drug, drug-food, drug-lab tests, drug-disease, etc.)
Drugs in pregnancy and lactation
Herbal, natural & homepathic products, dietary supplements
Identification (foreign)
Identification (domestic)
  • product websites (see How Supplied section of package insert)
Immunization schedules
IV compatibility
Manufacturer’s information, i.e. addresses, phone numbers, etc.  
Non-proprietary and Proprietary Names
Nursing considerations
Over-the-counter products
  • Product websites
Patient counseling/education
Regulatory/legal information
Therapeutic use (approved indications)
Therapeutic use (off-label uses)
Current news

†Commercial website, use for informational purposes only.