Biomedical Sciences Toolkit
Key Resources
- Cochrane Library This link opens in a new window
- EMBASE This link opens in a new window
- PubMed This link opens in a new window
- Web of Science This link opens in a new window
Biomedical Literature Databases
- Web of Science This link opens in a new windowCitation index for the sciences, social sciences, and arts and humanities.
- EMBASE This link opens in a new windowBiomedical and pharmaceutical journals and conference proceedings
- SciFinder This link opens in a new windowChemical information database covering journals, patents, conference proceedings & technical papers.
- ACM Digital Library This link opens in a new windowAssociation of Computing Machinery journals, magazines, and conference proceedings.
- Engineering Village This link opens in a new windowInformation sources in applied science and engineering
View HSL Books by Subject:
- Allergies & Infectious Diseases
- Biochemistry
- Bioethics
- Evidence-Based Medicine
- Genetics
- Immunology
- Laboratory Medicine & Pathology
- Microbiology
- Molecular & Cellular Biology
- Statistics
- View All
Freely-Available Collections:
Finding Conference Abstracts
There is no single best database for biomedical conference abstracts. Try the following approaches.
- Many databases contain conference publications. Try Embase or Web of Science first.
- Go directly to a meeting or association website to search for abstracts.
- Search Google for your topic and require that the terms "meeting" or "conference" be used. For example, to find meeting abstracts where the phrase "tumor paint" was used, type:
(meeting OR conference OR proceedings) "tumor paint"
UW Clinical Research Tools and Resources
- Clinical & Translational Research Toolkit (UW HSL)Clinical research resources commonly used by UW faculty and staff.
- ITHS - Clinical Research ServicesVariety of services to support the entire research lifecycle.
- ITHS - Leaf Cohort Discovery ToolBrowser-based tool for querying the UW Medicine data warehouse
- ITHS - REDCap (Research Electronic Data Capture)Secure, HIPAA-compliant web application supporting data capture and online surveys for research studies.
- ITHS - REDCap Class ScheduleWeekly classes held on Zoom. Open to all.
- Participate in ResearchUW/ITHS clinical trial recruitment site
- UW OSP Human Subjects DivisionGuidelines for proposing and running clinical trials at UW.
Clinical Trials Databases
- ClinicalTrials.govRegistry and results database hosted by the NIH.
- WHO International Clinical Trials Registry Platform (ICTRP)Data for over 15 registries around the world
- European Union Clinical Trials DatabaseProtocol and results on trials conducted in the EU
- CenterWatchPortal for actively recruiting pharmaceutical industry-sponsored clinical trials.
Protocols Online - Databases and Journals
- Bio-protocolPeer-reviewed, validated, open access protocol journal for the life sciences.
- Biological Procedures OnlinePeer-reviewed, open access journal from BioMed Central with emphasis on multidisciplinary approaches.
- Journal of Visualized Experiments (JoVE)Peer-reviewed scientific video journal of methods and protocols.
- Methods in Cell BiologyTechniques for studying cell biology
- Methods in EnzymologySubjects include Biochemistry, Microbiology, Molecular & Cellular Biology, and Genetics.
- MethodsXMultidisciplinary peer-reviewed journal that publishes methodological advances and protocols.
- PhenX ToolkitCatalog of recommended measurement protocols for studies (genomic, epidemiological, clinical, translational) with human participants.
- Progress in Brain ResearchLaboratory neuroscience and clinical brain research
- Protocols.ioSite for protocol creation, modification, and sharing. Offers protocols registration, including DOI creation and long-term preservation
- SpringerNature ExperimentsAccess to Springer Protocols, Nature Methods, Nature Protocols, and Nature Reviews Methods Primers.
Drug, Device, and Biological Approvals
- CBER-Regulated Products with Supporting DocumentsCenter for Biologics Evaluation and Research regulated vaccines, blood products, and biologics not included in Drugs@FDA. Caveat: These are products for which CBER has supporting documentation.
- Drugs@FDAApproval reports for FDA-approved drug products: New Molecular Entities, generic drugs, and many biologics.
- FDA 510(k) DatabasePremarketing submissions made to FDA to demonstrate that a medical device is substantially equivalent to a legally marketed device that is NOT subject to premarket approval
- FDA Premarket Approval (PMA) DatabaseClass III medical devices approved for marketing by the FDA
MyNCBI can be used to...
- Set up email alerts to find out when new articles publish on your search topic.
- Save search strategies and collections of references in PubMed to return to your research at a later time.
- Customize filters and site preferences to see links to UW's electronic journal subscriptions, limit results to full-text articles, and customize the PubMed search interface.
- Use My Bibliography to generate a list of publications for your NIH biosketch and maintain compliance with the NIH Public Access policy.
Funding Resources
- Health Sciences Grant ResourcesRecommended databases for biomedical and cross-disciplinary funding for students, early-career investigators, and other researchers.
- Graduate School Funding: Scholarships, Fellowships, and GrantsHelping current and admitted UW graduate students learn the skills and tools to find funding
Additional tips for using funding databases:
- Use databases of active funding opportunities to identify current funding announcements relevant to your project.
- Use databases of awarded grants to find examples of successfully funded projects in your field and see the types of research funded by a particular funding body (foundation, agency, association).
- Use Foundation Directory Online to identify organizations, their funding priorities, and projects they've funded.
- Also go directly to agency, foundation, and professional association websites relevant for your field.
NIH-Related Research Resources
- Data Resources in the Health SciencesInventory of resources to support research data needs in the health sciences field
- DMPTool GuideFree, open source application for researchers writing data management plans (DMPs).
- NIH Biosketches with SciENcv and My BibliographyStep-by-step guide for creating a NIH biosketch using SciENcv and My Bibliography
- NIH Data Sharing RepositoriesData repositories that accept submissions of appropriate data from NIH-funded investigators (and others). Sorted by Domain-Specific and Generalist repositories.
- NIH Public Access Policy Help GuideExplains the NIH Public Access Policy, the process for submitting peer reviewed articles to PubMed Central and using myNCBI to verify compliance.
- Research Data ManagementResources related to the many aspects of research data management, including collecting, organizing, describing, sharing, and preserving data.
Health Sciences Library Liaisons
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