This guide provides links to the most useful databases, web resources and finding aids for researching Baltic studies. Use the tabs to navigate through the pages of the guide.
- Find Articles - search for articles in magazines and scholarly periodicals on a variety of subjects related to Baltic studies
- Find Books - search for books on Baltic studies
- Browse Journals - links to journals in Baltic studies
- Baltic Choral Music - a guide to UW's collection and beyond
- Baltic Film - listings of films held at UW and beyond
- Museums - links to major museum web sites in each of the Baltic countries
- Citation Guides & Tools - Style guides and software for managing your bibliographic/source references.
The UW Libraries' Baltic collections number some 25,000 books, journal volumes, microforms, films on DVD and VHS video, sound recordings, music scores, and other formats, and are a major resource supporting the UW Baltic Studies Program.