1000 non-European and/or diasporic critical and cultural periodicals, published in the aftermaths of the revolutionary movements at the end of the 18th century to the end of the two blocs world in 1989.
The open archive HAL-SHS is devoted to archiving and dissemination of scientific literature, published or unpublished, from universities or research institutions in all disciplines of human and social sciences.
ISIDORE (Intégration de Services, Interconnexion de DOnnées de la Recherche et de l’Enseignement) est une plateforme de recherche permettant l’accès aux données numériques des sciences humaines et sociales (SHS).
(Portail de revues scientifiques en sciences humaines et sociales). Provides free full-text access to the back files of French scholarly journals in the social science and humanities.
In-depth access to a wide variety of Canadian periodicals, from academic titles to special interest publications to general magazines. Includes some full-text.