Full-text scholarly articles are generally available in subject-specific databases. These subject-specific databases can include journal articles, conference proceedings, and other information types published in related academic subjects or disciplines. For example, scholarly articles in economics can be found in a database called EconLit, and health science articles can be found through a database called PubMed.
1. Start on the UW Bothell Campus Library homepage. Select the Research tab. Next, click Research by Subject.
2. Select your research subject area from the A-Z list that appears. Note that you will need to click on a broad subject category to expose more specific guide options.
3. Select the Find Articles menu option in your chosen subject guide to expose database options relevant to your research. Tip: This menu item may alternatively be labeled Articles or Articles & eJournals.
4. As you browse the databases listed, read the descriptions to help you decide which database to choose.
5. Choose a database. Next, search using keywords. Look for a checkbox to limit your results to scholarly sources (this is not always available in all databases). Review your returned search results and look for the
icons in order to access the full text of articles.
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