Heather Gillanders
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Tacoma Community College Profile & Guides
This poster will describe how the librarians at the University of Washington Bothell & Cascadia Community College Campus Library developed a library presence in Canvas, the new learning management system (LMS) adopted by more than 400 colleges, universities, and school districts. Cascadia Community College’s migration to a new LMS helped us visualize an overall library presence that will allow for more engagement with faculty and students and incorporate the best practices for online instruction that our librarians have been developing over the past two years. We collaborated with eLearning staff to create a default layout for all courses in Canvas that now includes a library website link in the main navigation. The poster will also detail strategies librarians use in order to embed information literacy into Canvas in support of both on-campus and online learners. For example, librarians create online information literacy modules that are tailored to specific assignments, use LMS communication tools to build relationships with students and build assessment into our modules.