The Recreational Reading Collection contains almost 1,000 titles and is designed to address the recreational and leisurely reading interests of the students, faculty, and staff of Cascadia College and the University of Washington Bothell.
Our collection is made possible by the generous donations of our students, staff, faculty, and community.
All of the books are available for a 4-week loan period with unlimited renewals.
We hope that by making recreational reading available to the CC and UWB campus population, not only will the Campus Library be a more friendly and inviting place, but also it will become a place where students from both institutions meet, exchange ideas, and share experiences.
The Recreational Reading Collection, including the children's and middle reader books, is located on the first floor of the Campus Library, through the lobby and adjacent to the central stairway.
The Recreational Reading Collection is separated into five categories:
Most books are then shelved alphabetically according to author's last name.
Comics & graphic novels are shelved alphabetically by title.
The Reader's Bill of Rights, Daniel Pennac
If you need help finding a particular title, or would like to contribute books to the Recreational Reading Collection, please inquire at the Information Desk, and a staff member will be happy to assist you.
If you would like to identify books beyond our collection, see the links on our Suggestions & Reviews page.