Culture Clues
1959 N.E. Pacific St.
Box 359420
Seattle, WA 98195-8420
Monday through Friday: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
1959 N.E. Pacific St.
Box 357155
Seattle, WA 98195-8420
This is a living document with new perspectives contributing to the field every day. Therefore, we welcome your feedback and recommendations!
Culture Clues™
Due to demand, the following links are made available for easy access to materials pertaining to the discontinued resource, Culture Clues™. Please remember to use the following resources with discretion as Culture Clues™ is no longer maintained by the UW Medicine Patient and family Services.
- Using the Web Archive (Wayback Machine): Materials are available to view through the Wayback Machine.
- Using the Intranet: Direct from the source, but this option Is not open to the public as a login associated with the UW Medical Center is required for the intranet.
Internet Archive: Wayback Machine
The Internet Archive allows the public to view and interact with the original website and its PDF files that were made available by the UW Medicine Patient and Family Education Services. The link automatically maps to the recorded date of November 5th, 2019. All files are available to view and download.
- REMINDER: Materials may be outdated. Additionally, please consider the copyright information on the left side of the webpage or reach out to the Patient and Family Education Services for the use of materials associated with Culture Clues™.
View Culture Clues™ materials directly from the source. Requires login credentials from UW Medical Center. Prior authorization to the UW Medical Center Intranet is required.
- REMINDER: UW HSL will not be able to help you gain access into the UW Medical Center Intranet. Please reach out to the Patient and Family Education Services directly for more assistance on access or login details.