Culture Clues
Cultural Competency & Care Providers
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Book List for Care Providers
Cases on Communication Disorders in Culturally Diverse Populations by Communication disorders are impairments in the ability to receive, send, process, and comprehend hearing, language, and/or speech. While the number of culturally diverse populations is growing in the United States, speech-language pathologists and audiologists lack information on serving these culturally diverse populations appropriately and effectively. Cases on Communication Disorders in Culturally Diverse Populations is an essential research publication that provides culturally-competent hearing, language, and speech services and cases across age groups, communication disorders, and culturally diverse populations. These case studies offer a practical and detailed means for assisting professionals in providing culturally-appropriate speech, language, and hearing services. Highlighting various topics such as counseling, language learning, and genetics, this book is indispensable for speech-language pathologists, audiologists, counselors, administrators, academicians, researchers, practitioners, and students.
ISBN: 9781799822646Publication Date: 2020Cases on Cross-Cultural Counseling Strategies by It is essential for counselors and counseling professionals to understand the impact of their personal biases and how these biases can impact the counseling process, in addition to respecting and honoring the beliefs of their clients. Communication and the sharing of experiences between counsellors is an effective strategy for perfecting methods to identify and address these biases. Cases on Cross-Cultural Counseling Strategies is a comprehensive research book that explores creative healing approaches used by counselors working with diverse clients in a variety of geographical locations, developmental levels, and complex and varied identities. Each case study applies the Multicultural and Social Justice Counseling Competencies (MSJCCs) to the counseling relationship and looks at unique aspects of the client's identity, specific approaches taken by the counselor, and the outcomes of the counseling relationship. Featuring a broad range of topics such as higher education, international counseling, and gender bias in counseling, this book is ideal for counselors, therapists, psychologists, counselor educators, graduate students, practitioners, academicians, and researchers.
ISBN: 9781799800224Publication Date: 2019Comprehensive Care of the Transgender Patient by From a renowned specialist at the Cleveland Clinic and medical and surgical experts in this growing field comes an up-to-date, multidisciplinary resource on transgender health care and surgery. Comprehensive Care of the Transgender Patient, by Dr. Cecile Ferrando, covers all aspects of transgender health care, beginning with epidemiology and history and progressing to an in-depth review of the complex transition for patients, including mental health services, endocrine and hormone therapy treatment, and surgical options. Incorporates all of the latest guidelines for providers and patients, written by experts from a wide variety of disciplines involved in transgender patient care. Contains outstanding surgical chapters contributed by prominent surgeons who regularly perform these procedures, providing clear guidance on male-to-female and female-to-male surgical options. Features high-quality, full-color illustrations throughout. Covers key topics in every area of transgender health care, including Mental Health Care for the Adult and for the Child and Adolescent Transgender Patient; Hormone Treatment for the Adult and Adolescent Transgender Patient; Facial Surgery for Transgender Patients; Breast and Genital Surgeries for Transgender Patients; and Primary, Preventive, and Gynecologic Care. Expert ConsultT eBook version included with purchase. This enhanced eBook experience allows you to search all of the text, figures, Q&As, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
ISBN: 9780323496421Publication Date: 2019Counseling and Psychotherapy for South Asian Americans by This essential text explores what it means to be a South Asian American living in the US while seeking, navigating and receiving psychological, behavioral or counseling services. It delves into a range of issues including cultural identity, racism, colorism, immigration, gender, sexuality, parenting, and caring for older adults. Chapter authors provide research literature, clinical and cultural considerations for interviewing and treatment planning, case examples, questions for reflection, and suggested readings, as well as worksheets and handouts. The book also includes insights on the future of South Asian American mental health, social justice, advocacy, and public policy. Integrating theory, research, and application, this book serves as a clinical guide for therapists, instructors, professors and supervisors in school/university counseling centers working with South Asian American clients, as well as for counseling students.
ISBN: 9781003081548Publication Date: 2022Delivering Quality Healthcare for People with Disability by Awarded first place in the 2021 AJN Book of the Year Awards in History and Public Policy! Those with disability-be it mild and a mere inconvenience, or one that necessitates the use of high-tech support for survival-have repeatedly reported that their healthcare needs are not adequately addressed by healthcare providers. Most healthcare professionals, including nurses, are unfamiliar with the consequences of disabling conditions in the lives of individuals with disability. They lack knowledge about how to communicate effectively with those with all types of disability, do not consider the effect of individuals' disability on their ability to participate in health-promotion efforts, harbor negative attitudes and bias toward them, stereotype them, and often perceive them as unable (or unwilling) to take an active part in their own care. Ineffective communication on the part of healthcare professionals when interacting with individuals with disability has broad implications and repercussions. Healthcare providers who believe they know best, and are the experts on disability, will continue to ignore the wishes and preferences of individuals with disability and their desire to make decisions about their own lives and healthcare. Many healthcare professionals presume people with disability are reluctant to participate in health promotion. Individuals with disability have reported that healthcare providers are uncomfortable and unwilling to discuss issues related to sex and sexuality with them. They have further reported that healthcare providers assume that they are uninterested (or perhaps believe that they should be uninterested) in sexual relationships, intimacy, pregnancy, and childbearing. Women with disability who have elected to become mothers and have sought out prenatal care have reported that their healthcare providers' first assumption was that the reason individuals with disability; these agencies and organizations have identified changing the educational preparation of healthcare professionals as a primary strategy and an important first step. Several organizations, with input from individuals with disability, have developed competencies that should be expected of all healthcare professionals who interact with individuals with disability. The Alli-ance for Disability in Health Care Education has urged nursing, medicine, and other healthcare professions to endorse these competencies with the goal of moving forward in the effort to improve the healthcare of individuals with disability. Nurses have been very involved in the development of these competencies from the beginning of the process. Several nursing organizations, including Sigma, have endorsed the cross-discipline competencies developed by the Alliance for Disability in Health Care Education (2019). This book is based on the principle and belief that all healthcare professionals regardless of discipline, level of education, or role within the healthcare system have a role in caring for individuals with disability. As such, they need a basic understanding of the issue of disability to provide appropriate, optimal, and sensitive healthcare to those with disability. These issues and more are addressed in the chapters of this book. It is intended to provide information to nurses, nursing students, and other healthcare professionals to enable them to communicate with and provide quality healthcare to individuals with disability.
ISBN: 9781948057455Publication Date: 2021Social Work and Health Care Practice with Transgender and Nonbinary Individuals and Communities by This book examines issues across the lifespan of transgender and nonbinary individuals whilst synthesizing conceptual work, empirical evidence, pedagogical content, educational experiences, and the voices of transgender and nonbinary individuals. It highlights the resilience and resistance of transgender and nonbinary individuals and communities to challenge narratives relying on one-dimensional perspectives of risk and tragic lives. While there is currently unprecedented visibility and increasing support, members of these communities still face shockingly high rates of violence, victimization, unemployment, discrimination, and family rejection. Significant need for services and support coupled with social, clinical, and medical service systems ill-equipped to provide culturally responsive care illustrates the critical need for quality education and training of educators, practitioners, and service providers in best practices of working with members of the transgender and nonbinary community. Organized into six sections: Health Areas of Practice Coming Out and Family Relationships and Sexuality Communities Multiply Marginalized Identities and Populations, this book offers a current, comprehensive, and intersectional guide for students, practitioners, and researchers across a variety of professions, including social work, psychology, public policy, and health care.
ISBN: 9780429443176Publication Date: 2020Multicultural Perspectives on Gender and Aging by As people grow older, cultural issues arise. Recognizing how social influences guide and restrict people leads to a better understanding of one's self and helps people as they age. Multicultural Perspectives on Gender and Aging provides emerging research on midlife issues, physical aspects of aging, and the emotional value in the context of the culture in which people are living. While highlighting topics such as elderly disabilities, quality of life, and gender dimensions, this publication explores self-esteem in older members of society. This book is an important resource for academicians, healthcare professionals, professionals, researchers, and students seeking current research on the social and cultural characteristics of growing old.
ISBN: 9781522547723Publication Date: 2018