Culture Clues
Cultural Competency & Educators
Below are a list of resources handpicked by HSL librarians for Medical and other Healthcare educators to talk about, examine, and build cultural competency curriculum.
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Book List for Educators
The Equal Curriculum: The Student and Educator Guide to LGBTQ Health by This first-of-its-kind textbook marks a revolutionary effort to reform medical education nationally by providing a comprehensive, high-quality resource to serve as a foundation for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) health education across multiple disciplines. Addressing the decades-long unequal weight of medical education generally offered about the care of LGBTQ people, The Equal Curriculum was created to advance clinicians' competencies in optimizing the health of LGBTQ people. This textbook is designed to be integrated into health sciences curricula and offers pointed strategies to evaluate the integration of LGBTQ health topics. Starting with a brief overview, chapters 1 through 4 cover general content that is highly relevant to all health professionals working with LGBTQ people. Chapters 5 through 12 focus on specific patient populations and clinical specialties, and chapters 13 and 14 cover special topics. Key points in each chapter are highlighted to aid in the comprehension, and case vignettes are provided throughout the textbook, allowing learners to apply the content to clinical scenarios in order to evaluate how the application of relevant knowledge may impact health outcomes. Questions similar to National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME) style are provided in most chapters to assist in the application of content. As major addition to the clinical literature, The Equal Curriculum: Student and Educator Guide to LGBTQ Health should be of great interest to health sciences instructors, medical students in their preclinical and clinical phases, and trainees from other disciplines, such as physician assistants, nurses, social workers, and public health professionals.
ISBN: 9783030240240Publication Date: 2019Ethical Research Approaches to Indigenous Knowledge Education by South Africa's recent higher education protests around fees and decolonizing institutions have shone a spotlight on important issues and inspired global discussion. The educational space was the most affected by clashes between languages and ideas, the prioritizing of English and Afrikaans over indigenous African languages, and the prioritizing of Western medicine, literature, arts, culture, and science over African ones. Ethical Research Approaches to Indigenous Knowledge Education is a cutting-edge scholarly resource that examines forthcoming methodologies and strategies on educational reform and the updating of curricula to accurately reflect cultural shifts. The book examines the bias and problems that bias creates in educational systems around the world that have been dominated by Western forms of knowledge and scientific processes. Featuring a range of topics such as andragogy, indigenous knowledge, and marginalized students, this book is ideal for education professionals, practitioners, curriculum designers, academicians, researchers, administrators, and students.
ISBN: 9781799812494Publication Date: 2020Education As the Driving Force of Equity for the Marginalized by In the USA, racism is the most widespread root of oppression. Black people in America, specifically, have suffered from centuries of discrimination and still struggle to receive the same privileges as their white peers. In other countries, however, there are other groups that face similar struggles. Discrimination and oppression based on religion, ethnicity, socio-economic status, political affiliation, and caste are just a few categories. However, education is a root for widespread societal change, making it essential that educators and systems of education enact the changes that need to occur to achieve equity for the groups being oppressed. Education as the Driving Force of Equity for the Marginalized highlights international research from the past decade about the role education is playing in the disruption and dismantling of perpetuated systems of oppression. This research presents the context, ideas, and mechanics behind impactful efforts to dismantle systems of oppression. Covering topics such as teacher preparation, gender inequality, and social justice, this work is essential for teachers, policymakers, college students, education faculty, researchers, administrators, professors, and academicians.
ISBN: 9781799880257Publication Date: 2022Addressing Issues of Systemic Racism During Turbulent Times by During times of crises, such as pandemics, natural disasters, global poverty, nationwide economic issues, and social justice upheavals, African Americans often encounter issues of systemic racism. Turbulent times for African Americans often lead to disparities in the areas of finances, housing, education, nutrition, health, employment, and the criminal justice system. Addressing Issues of Systemic Racism During Turbulent Times raises awareness of the obstacles of institutional racism encountered by African Americans during crucial times with the hopes of providing the needed support for individuals to navigate the systemic barriers. The publication also provides research-based information to create an awareness of issues of systemic racism encountered by African Americans during a time of crisis. Additionally, it focuses on how to create, cultivate, and maintain diversity, equity, and inclusion for marginalized populations. Covering key topics such as healthcare disparities and racial microaggressions, this book is crucial for community and civic organizations, government officials, policymakers, managers, sociologists, activists, academicians, researchers, and students.
ISBN: 9781799885320Publication Date: 2021Handbook for Culturally Competent Care by This concise, easy-to-read book tackles the potentially awkward subject of culture in a direct, non-intimidating style. It prepares all health professionals in any clinical setting to conduct thorough assessments of individual from culturally specific population groups, making it especially valuable in today's team-oriented healthcare environment. The book is suitable for healthcare workers in all fields, particularly nurses who interact with the patients 24 hours a day, every day of the week. Based on the Purnell Model for Cultural Competence, it explores 26 different cultures and the issues that healthcare professionals need to be sensitive to. For each group, the book includes an overview of heritage, communication styles, family roles and organization, workforce issues, biocultural ecology, high-risk health behaviors, nutrition, pregnancy and child bearing, death rituals, spirituality, healthcare practices, and the views of healthcare providers. It also discusses the variant characteristics of culture that determine the diversity of values, beliefs, and practices in an individual's cultural heritage in order to help prevent stereotyping. These characteristics include age, generation, nationality, race, color, gender, religion, educational status, socioeconomic status, occupation, military status, political beliefs, urban versus rural residence, enclave identity, marital status, parental status, physical characteristics, sexual orientation, gender issues, health literacy, and reasons for migration. Each chapter offers specific instructions, guidelines, tips, intervention strategies, and approaches specific to a particular cultural population.
ISBN: 9783030219451Publication Date: 2019